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38 Cards in this Set

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How do indirect acting adrenergic agonists work?
By causing the release of endogenous NE from nerve terminals via displacement of it
What is the only purely indirect acting adrenergic agonist?
In what is Tyramine found in high levels?
-Fermented sausages
What happens to Tyramine normally in people?
It is not absorbed from the GI tract because it is metabolized by MAO to inactive metabolites
What patients are at risk of Tyramine toxicity? What is the toxic effect?
Patients on MAOIs - can cause hypertensive crisis (too much NE effects)
How do mixed acting adrenergic agonists work?
By both:
-Increasing endogenous NE release
-Stimulate adrenergic receptors themselves
What are the 3 mixed acting adrenergic agonists?
How does Amphetamine get into presynaptic terminals to kick NE out of its storage vesicles?
Via NET - uptake 1
What does Amphetamine do once inside the presynaptic terminal?
Kicks NE out of its storage vesicles until enough is free in the terminal that it gets released into the synapse
What adrenergic receptors can Amphetamine also act as a weak agonist of?
alpha and beta
Where is Amphetamine a potent adrenergic stimulator? What form of it?
CNS - the d-isomer
What does Amphetamine have a weak inhibiting effect on?
NET - for other drugs that use this transporter
What are 3 therapeutic uses of Amphetamine?
-Appetite suppressant
Is Methamphetamine clinically available?
What are the 4 isomers of Ephedrine?
d/l Ephedrine
d/l Pseudoephedrine
What 3 receptors can be activated by Ephedrine, and how?
-B2 (direct agonist)
-a1/b1 - increases NE release
What has Ephedrine been previously used to treat due to its direct B2 agonist properties?
Asthma - but no longer due to heart stimulant effects via B1 activation
What is the main receptor selectivity of Pseudoephedrine?
B2 very little
What is Pseudoephedrine mainly used to treat?
Nasal congestion - in OTCs
What 2 types of allergies are adrenergic agonists used to treat?
-Bronchial asthma
2 drugs used for bronchial asthma:
Drug for Anaphylactic shock:
6 Cardiovascular uses of adrenergic agonists:
-Nasal decongestion
-Prolong action of local anesthetics
-Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
-Elevate BP
-Stress testing
What 2 drugs are used to treat nasal congestion?
What 2 drugs are used to prolong the action of local anesthetics via vasoconstriction?
What drug is used to treat Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia?
How does Phenylephrine treat Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia?
By producing reflex bradycardia due to its hypertensive effects
What are 2 types of low BP that adrenergic agonists are used to treat?
-Drug/injury/surgically induced hypotension
-Hypotensive shock due to MI, infection, or cardiac surgery
What drug is used to treat hypotension induced by spinal anesthetics, neurological injury, or surgical removal of pheochromocytoma?
What drugs are used to treat shock due to MI (cardiogenic), infection, or cardiac surgery?
Dopamine or dobutamine
What drug is used for stress testing?
What 2 drugs are used for Bradycardia?
What are 3 ophthalmology uses of adrenergic agonists?
-Conjunctival decongestion
-Control hemorrhage
What 2 drugs are used for opthalmologic effects?
What is an obstetrics use of adrenergic agonists? Which one?
-Delay delivery (relax uterus)
What are 2 CNS uses of adrenergic agonists? What is used to treat them both?
What are 3 side effects of alpha agonists?
Cerebral hemorrhage anxiety Restlessness Throbbing headache
What are 4 side effects of beta agonists?
-Cardiac arrythmias