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27 Cards in this Set

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variation on experimental design in which more than one intervention is tested and in which the order of participation in each intervention is manipulated
Counter balance designs
strength of the differences in the sample values that the investigator expects to find
effect size
variation on true-experimental design in which the investigator evaluates the effects of two or more independent variables (X1 and X2) or the effects of an intervention on different factors or levels of a sample or study variables
factorial designs
- Action process of maneuvering the independent variable so that the effect of its presence, absence, or degree on the dependent variable can be observed
Analysis technique of data and/or information aggregated from more than one source
experimental-type designs in which the three criteria for true experimental do not exist
non-experimental designs
experiments that have treatments, outcome measures, and experimental units but do not use random assignment to create comparison from which treatment –caused change is inferred; instead the comparisons depend on nonequivalent groups who differ from each other in many ways other than the presence of the treatment being tested
Quasi-experimental designs
selection or assignment of subjects based on chance
True-experimental design that combines true experimentation and posttest-only designs into one design structure
Solomon four-group designs
Classic two group design in which subjects are randomly selected and randomly assigned (R) to either an experimental or a control group condition; before the experimental condition, all subjects are pretested or observed an a dependent measure (O); in the experimental group, the independent variable or experimental condition is imposed (X),and it is withheld in the control group; subjects are then post tested or observed on the dependent variable (O) after the experimental condition
True-experimental designs
World view that suggests both an epistemology and a social change purpose for conducting research; complex set of strategies united by commonality of sociopolitical purpose designed to know about social justice and human experience as a means to promote social change
Critical Theory
inquiry that is conceptualized, designed, and conducted by researchers who are “insiders” of the culture, using their own epistemology and structure of relevance
Endogenous (endogenous research)
Primary research approach in anthropology concerned with descriptions and interpretations of cultural patterns of groups, as well as understanding of the cultural meanings people use to organize and interpret their experiences
Method in naturalistic research used to generate theory, primarily employing the inductive process of constant comparison
grounded theory
research approach that encourages investigator to discover and methods that enable further investigation; design strategy that involves complete immersion of the investigator into the phenomenon of interest and self-reflection of the investigator’s personal experience
Heuristic (Heuristic design)
Type of naturalistic inquiry concerned with eliciting life experiences and with how individuals interpret and attribute meanings to these experiences; a research approach designed to reveal the nature of the “life process traversed over time”
life history
Analysis technique of data and/or information aggregated from more than one source
Set of words, derived from stories, interviews, written journals, and other written documents, which forms the data set in naturalistic inquiry
Approach that directly involves study participants in each of the 10 research essentials; that is, it involves study participants that contribute to formulating the research question or query, study design, and approach to analysis
Participatory action (participatory action research)-
Form of naturalistic inquiry used to uncover the meaning of how humans experience phenomena through the description of those experiences as they are lived by individuals
Detailed, in-depth description of a single unit, subject, or event
case study
Approach to the visual analysis of data points obtained in single-subject designs; drawn across pretest and posttest data points, reflects the central tendency of the data
Celebration line
design in which more than one study on single units of analysis are conducted
Multiple- case design-(multiple case study)
Design in which only one study on a single unit of analysis is conducted
Single-case design (single case study)
Quasi-experimental design that involves repeated data collection over time for a single group
Time series design
Use of multiple strategies or methods as a means to strengthen the credibility of an investigator’s findings related to the phenomenon under study; also known as crystallization
Triangulation (crystallization)