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24 Cards in this Set

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Toxic Heat in wind heat or febrile disease (interior and exterior). Main herb for strong heat in wind heat. Good for heat in both wei and qi level.

Wind heat with fever
Carbuncles and boils
Dysentery and diarrhea
Jin Yin Hua
Toxic Heat in wind heat or febrile disease (interior and exterior). Good at dispersing heat in heart and upper jiao. Dissipates nodules due to toxic heat. Holy herb for carbucles.

Assist Jin Yin
Heat entering Pericardium
Carbuncles or scrofula
Lian Qiao
Toxic heat mainly manifested as carbuncles. Both for external and internal carbuncles. More specific for acute mastitis. Clear damp heat.

Acute mastitis
Other carbuncle or internal abscess
strnaguria or jaundice due to damp heat
Pu Gong Ying
Toxic heat mainly manifested as carbuncles. Ding means nail. Especially Ding carbuncle

Mainly used for ding.
Also used for snake bite.
Zi Hua Di Ding
Toxic heat mainly manifested as carbuncles. Literally means big blue leaf. Big blue strong toxic heat in local area that is very cold in nature.

Cool blood to subdue macula
other strong toxic heat cellulitis, sore throat
Da Qing Ye
Toxic heat in Liver and Heart. Means blue, related to liver. Liver fire attacks heart or lung. Specifically for mumps in carbuncles.

Bleeding due blood heat
Convulsion due to liver heat
Cough with rapid breathing due to liver fire attacking lung
Qing (Blue) Dai
Toxic heat in Liver and Heart. Means stopping restlessness or convulsion. Mainly used for carbuncles.

Convulsion due to liver heat
Delirium or coma due to heart heat
Carbuncle or snake bite
Zao Xiu (Stopping restlessness or convulsion)
Toxic heat in Liver and Heart. More specific for strong heat in heart and liver. Carbuncles due to toxic heat.

Mainly for coma or convulsion in febrile disease
Topical use for carbuncles
Niu Huang
Toxic Heat in the lung. Specifically for excessive heat or toxic heat in the lung. Means Lotus (which lives in water)

Cough, asthma or lung abscess
Dysentery, diarrhea, or stranguria
Chuan Xin Lian (Lotus)
Toxic Heat in the lung. Specifically for lung abscess. Literally means fishy fishy herb.

Clear heat and drain pus in lung abscess
Stranguria due to heat
Yu Xing Cao
Toxic heat with sore throat. Literally means shooting up. Sore throat or asthma due to lung heat with lots of phlegm.

Sore throat with hot phlegm
Cough or asthma due to excessive phlegm
She Gan
Toxic heat with sore throat. Very important for sore throat due to toxic heat. Also clears and removes dampness.

Sore throat
Cough or asthma due to lung heat
Jaundice due to damp heat
Shan Dou Gen
Toxic heat with sore throat. Sore throat with hoarseness due to lung heat. Cools blood.

Cough, sore throat or hoarseness
Bleeding due to lung heat or stomach heat
Ma Bo
Toxic heat with dysentery. Clear heat, cools blood. Induces diuresis.

Dysentery due to damp heat
Leukorrhea due to toxic heat or damp heat
Stranguria due to heat or with blood
Ma Chi Xian
Toxic heat with dysentery. Purge liver fire to improve vision.

Red or swollen eyes
Qin Pi
Toxic Heat in Intestine. Literally means red vine. Specific for abdominal pain in intestinal abscess.

Abdominal pain and abscess (large intestine)
Trauma, dysmenorrhea or bi syndrome (arthritis)
Hong Teng
Toxic Heat in Intestine. Means deteriorated soy juice herb. Specific for draining pus.

Drains pus in intestinal abscess or lung abscess
chest or abdominal pain due to blood stasis
Bai Jiang Cao
Toxic Heat in Cancer. Also used for snake bite. Different cancers. Lotus lives in water.

Traditionally used for worm or insect stings.
used for cancer or edema
Ban Bian Lian (Lotus)
Toxic Heat in Cancer. For cancer of GI. Treats carbuncles. Induce diuresis.

Cancer of GI (esophageal, rectal)
Snake Bite, Sore throat
Skin infection
Bai Hua She She Cao (grass)
Toxic heat or Fire Local Symptoms—syphilis or convulsive limbs due to mercury poisoning.

Tu Fu Ling
Toxic Heat or Fire Local Symptoms—warts or foot corns. very bitter in taste. Has to be taken after being wrapped with Long Yan Rou.

Foot corns or warts
Ya Dan Zi
Toxic Heat or Fire Local Symptoms—means white, fresh skin. Used for skin disorders with a lot of secretion and severe itching.
Bai Xian Pi
Toxic Heat or Fire Local Symptoms—Means leaking breast. More specific for Mastitis or failure of milk to come out.
Lou lu
Toxic Heat or fire Local Symptoms—Food poisoning or summer heat.

Relieve food poisoning of Ba Dou, Fu Zi, or other hot agents
Relieve summer heat
Lu Dou (Mung Beans)