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40 Cards in this Set

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a mineral mined for the valuable substance it contains, such as silver or gold

Comstock Lode

the discovery in 1858 of a rich load of gold bearing ore on the banks of the Carson River in Nevada


towns that grew up almost overnight around mining sites

Ghost Town

deserted towns as prospectors moved to more promising sites

Transcontinental Railroad

a railroad the spanned from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts

Time zones

an area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose or use subject to time restrictions

Open range

land not fenced or divided into lots

Great Plains

flat grassland in central United States

Long Drive

the sudden increase in longhorns' value set off the herding of cattle 1,000 miles or more to meet railroads


hispanic ranch hand

Wild West

western part of the United States that was not yet settled by Americans

Sutter's Mill

location where gold was discovered on the property of John Sutter near Sacramento CA


to acquire a piece of US public land by living on and cultivating it

Homestead Act

Act that gave 160 free acres of land to a settler who paid a filing fee and lived on the land for 5 years


the name given to a plains farmer

barbed wire

wire with clusters of short sharp spikes set at intervals along the wire to create a fence or obstruction


people who settled in Boomtowns


main food source of Native Americans, lived along the Great Plains


an area of public land set aside for Native Americans

Sand Creek

a location in Colorado where the US volunteer militia clashed with the Cheyenne; a hundred men women and children of the Cheyenne were killed


US Commander, was killed in the Battle of Little Big Horn after defeating Black Kettle along the Washita River

Little Big Horn

Battle where the Sioux and Custer's soldiers bought over land conflicts

Crazy Horse

a Sioux Chief that fought in the Battle of Little Big Horn; victorious

Nez Perce

Native American group who lived in present day Idaho, Oregon and Washington; their leader was Chief Joseph; main food source buffalo; defeated in the land conflicts

Chief Joseph

head of the Nez Perce; had to surrender in battles for land for fear of deaths of his people


Apache leader and a leader in the Apache Wars

Dawes Act

the Act passed by Congress in 1887 that proposed to break up reservations and have Native Americans settle down as farmers



Sioux prophet who spoke out against the Dawes Act and led the Ghost Dance

Wounded Knee

a creek where 300 Lakota were killed after they handed over their ammunition to US troops

National Grange

an organization that offered farmers education, fellowship and support

Farmer's Alliance

networks of organizations that sprang up in the South and the West in the late 1880's

Populist Party

alliance members that formed the people's party whose goals were rooted in the appeal to the common people

Free Silver

the unlimited production of silver coins; the populists believed that putting more silver coins into the economy would give farmers more money to pay their debts

Williams Jennings Bryan

the democratic candidate who ran in the 1896 election for president; he bace known as the Great Commoner because of his appeal to the average American


farmer who raises animals


person who raises crops


a hard type of metal whose production increased during the building of the Transcontinental Railroad

Black Kettle

leader of the Cheyenne against Custer; defeated


one of the most determined Native American groups; opponents to new American policies for Native Americans

Ghost Dance

a ritual that was a way for the Sioux to express their culture that was being destroyed