France And Jordan Case Study

Superior Essays
France and Jordan’s Cultural Similarities and Differences with there Effect on Business Dealings Is it possible for two countries in different parts of the world to have things in common? France and Jordan, are on two different continents with France in Europe and Jordan in Asia. These two continents are connected and are sometimes referred to as Eurasia. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that these two countries share more cultural similarities in terms of the Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions than differences and this can come in very handy in business dealings.
Cultural Similarities Hofstede's model contains six dimensions with France and Jordan sharing four of them. Power distance is one of the first similarities that these
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To start, they are on opposite aspects of the individualism dimension. Jordan scores really low in this category which according to Hofstede Insights (2018), is considered a collectivistic society. In a collectivistic society, people have commitments to groups and families. In Jordan family is very important and everyone takes responsibility and is loyal to all members of the family as well as the groups they are part of which would include co-workers. France unlike Jordan is an individualistic society and people take care of oneself and their immediate families only. They are self-motivated to be their best at everything and expect respect for it as …show more content…
With both countries being feminine societies, management can deal with communicating with both countries in a caring, family-oriented fashion. With family being important to both, management should make every effort to keep work hours short and allow them to have the time they need for themselves. In communicating with these two countries it is ideal to lead and give proper direction with specific rules for work since both these cultures scored high on the uncertainty avoidance, therefore, valuing rules. It is very important to consider the importance of letting the people of these countries know what is expected of them and to not suddenly set up a meeting. Both cultures do not like surprises and with people of France wanting to know everything about the meeting and people of Jordan wanting to be punctual. According to Ganescu et al. (2014), there is a positive influence on a business in a culture of individualism and uncertainty avoidance. This leads one to believe that utilizing these two dimensions when dealing with the countries can lead to successful business within. The importance of knowing cultures when dealing with international business is best described in the article “Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Management in Corporations“ which Vasile and Nicolescu (2016) state, “management should not be taken into account as a

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