This shows how creepy and is an invasion of privacy, the family and student most of the time have given no consent to the school. Schools should not be able to put tracking devices in student IDs because it makes students and parents uncomfortable, as well as hackers can get their information. Student ID’s hold all the information about the student that people can get hold of and see and access like hackers. Student ID’s have the students photo, name, date of birth and the school name which anyone can see and access. In the article it states Requiring students to wear these tags also poses a danger to students outside the school (Victor). This proof shows how unwanted strangers can be able to stalk and follow students, which is horrible and creepy. Schools have no way of really protecting students, especially because the students' information can be seen by anyone. Schools shouldn't have to require young kids to wear their personal information out in the open, even so there's really no need for trackers in the ID’s of
This shows how creepy and is an invasion of privacy, the family and student most of the time have given no consent to the school. Schools should not be able to put tracking devices in student IDs because it makes students and parents uncomfortable, as well as hackers can get their information. Student ID’s hold all the information about the student that people can get hold of and see and access like hackers. Student ID’s have the students photo, name, date of birth and the school name which anyone can see and access. In the article it states Requiring students to wear these tags also poses a danger to students outside the school (Victor). This proof shows how unwanted strangers can be able to stalk and follow students, which is horrible and creepy. Schools have no way of really protecting students, especially because the students' information can be seen by anyone. Schools shouldn't have to require young kids to wear their personal information out in the open, even so there's really no need for trackers in the ID’s of