The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain can be seen as a very controversial book. Some readers object to the strong and sometimes racist language and believe it is inappropriate for children. However, many educators believe giving a proper context the book allows students to benefit more from the book. The “n” word that is constantly used in the book provides students with Twain’s intention of the book, which was to show how horrible slavery was and also how African Americans were degraded during this period of time.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was first finished in 1883, ready for publication in Canada in 1884, and published in America in 1885. Huck Finn has been …show more content…
A big argument to be made is that by reacting the the language in the book, it gives the offensive words used more power. They say that no word should be treated as something people need protection from. Another huge argument made is that Huck Finn is a true classic of literature, which should be taught as is in order to receive the full message Mark Twain is trying to depict about the culture of the time he is portraying. By either banning the book, or censoring out controversial words, the power of the book and the impact it has on its readers is automatically decreased. This is because the strong language which can be seen as offensive allows the reader to really see how the culture of the time was and it allows them to see the treatment of African Americans.
Given all of these arguments on deciding whether or not to ban The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it would be most beneficial to students if the book was read as is. The strong dialogue and offensive language shows students exactly how the culture of the time was. If the book were to be banned or even censored, it would increase the power of the offensive word that is said 219 throughout the book. By allowing students to read the book exactly as Mark Twain wrote it, it will also educate students on how bad the culture at the time was, which will show the students why we veered away from those bad