The intolerances involved the protestant being accused falsely for murdering his son as a way of making him to stop joining the Roman Catholic. As a result of being so much against the religious intolerances that took place at his time, he went on and published the Treatise on Tolerance. In his publication, he outlined his specific type of deism and strongly believed that most of the crimes that were considered to be inhuman were as a result of religion. Additionally, it is important to note that through his various letters of England, his true attitude towards religion can be correctly depicted and discussed. As such, this paper will discuss the attitude of Voltaire towards religion, and give an explanation of how he advocates for tolerance in all religion. It is important to note that Voltaire had mixed feelings about the Bible.
What is Voltaire’s attitude towards religion? It is very easy to deduce religious attitudes of Voltaire from his letters. It is important to note that, in his letters, Voltaire addresses religion by talking more about the Quakers, the Anglicans, Socinians, and the Presbyterians. In his first to forth letter, Voltaire talks more about the Quakers, the fifth letter addresses issues to do with the Anglicans, while the sixth letter talks about the Presbyterians and the seventh letter addresses the Socinians.