'Variant' By Robison Wells

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Getting into the school of your dreams seems amazing until you realize it’s not what you signed up for. Variant is a book by Robison Wells. It’s about a kid named Benson who gets accepted into Maxfield Academy. He is ecstatic about it until he finds out about the gangs and how there are people watching your every move. He finds out that some of the students are robots, like the person he loves. The school finds out about how there are robots among them, and they decide that they need to escape. But when they are close to being free, Ms. Vaughn comes and starts to kill them off because they are breaking the rules and trying to escape. Only Benson, Becky, and Mason are able to make it out alive, more or less. What can seem like a dream can be a nightmare is the …show more content…
A spool of razor wire, like the kind on repo lots and prisons. A security camera, mounted on the end of a pole, was the only sign of people—someone somewhere was watching us.” Because the fence and camera make it seem like a place that should be avoided and not a place to go to school or have a great education. Instead, it looks like a disaster and nightmare waiting to happen. Also online, the school looks like a heavenly paradise, but in person, it’s nothing compared to the photos. Because of the dream-like place that Benson thought could get him away from all of his troubles and be the paradise he wanted, he applied until he saw that it looked like a nightmare and his dreams were crushed. In all, the theme of what seems like a dream can be a nightmare is shown in the setting and Benson's expression after he realizes it’s not a paradise at all. Another way the author shows the theme of the book is through characters. When Benson follows Jane into a room, he finds out that she is a robot, and he thinks, “No she couldn’t be a robot. Jane had feelings and she had ideas and she had a personality” (Wells

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