The Slave Is The Fourth Of July Analysis

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The title was the question I continued to ask myself as I was reading, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?". I would classify Frederick's writing under two types of romanticism, intuition and individuality. Someone who is an intuition writer value what they feel and, you can really grasp the passionate tone Frederick has as he is talking about the shameful holiday. Individuality is a powerful tool in writing. Douglass embraces the founding father of America. He accepts the risk they took for the better good of the country. He says, "Your fathers staked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, on the cause of their country. In their admiration of liberty, they lost sight of all other interest" (Douglass, p.1028). As Americans …show more content…
On July 4th, 1776, America was granted their independence from King George. Most importantly during this era,thousands of innocent Africans were being stolen from their own country and housed into a slave ship. After the many days of sailing sea, the new American property was brought to a new world and sold as if they were animals. Andrew S. Bibby (2014) says, "On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass- once called America's most famous fugitive slave- delivered a speech to the Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society in Rochester, N.Y. His oration is often considered a radical denunciation of America's political tradition; he characterized the Fourth of July as a hypocritical sham from the point of view of the millions living in the country who were still enslaved" (Bibby, p.1). Frederick wrote about his experiences of being a slave in many of his writings. In "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July", Douglass says, "The freedom gained is yours; and you, therefore, may properly celebrate this anniversary. The Fourth of July is the first great fact in your nation's history- the very ring-bolt in the chain of your yet undeveloped destiny" (Douglass,

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