Despite being the head of the executive branch, the President's control over the federal bureaucracy is not absolute. One significant limitation is the existence of career civil servants who remain in their positions across administrations. These bureaucrats possess specialized knowledge and expertise, which can provide continuity in government operations but also limit the President's ability to implement new policies or initiatives. Furthermore, the civil service system was established to protect federal employees from political influence and restrict the President's ability to hire and fire individuals based on partisan considerations. This limits the President's ability to exert direct control over the bureaucracy and ensures a degree of independence for career officials. Additionally, Congress exercises oversight authority over the executive branch through its power to investigate, subpoena witnesses, and appropriate funds. Congressional committees play a crucial role in scrutinizing agency activities and holding the administration accountable for its
Despite being the head of the executive branch, the President's control over the federal bureaucracy is not absolute. One significant limitation is the existence of career civil servants who remain in their positions across administrations. These bureaucrats possess specialized knowledge and expertise, which can provide continuity in government operations but also limit the President's ability to implement new policies or initiatives. Furthermore, the civil service system was established to protect federal employees from political influence and restrict the President's ability to hire and fire individuals based on partisan considerations. This limits the President's ability to exert direct control over the bureaucracy and ensures a degree of independence for career officials. Additionally, Congress exercises oversight authority over the executive branch through its power to investigate, subpoena witnesses, and appropriate funds. Congressional committees play a crucial role in scrutinizing agency activities and holding the administration accountable for its