In Majestic Movie Studios, a copy of Universal Studios Hollywood, the boy band, Alvin and the Chipmunk are preforming their song about Halloween since it seems to be the time setting for the movie. Everything about the movie is cute and shines a sparkly light on themes that are supposed to be horrifying, teaching kids not to be afraid of the dark etc. Victor arrives to the studios and poses as the new help for the attraction “Frankenstein’s Castle” where he continues his work to create the Monster. …show more content…
As the movie goes on the chipmunks head to the castle at night to explore and encounter Victor bringing the Monster to life. The chipmunks witness the whole scene and are terrified as they should be. Victor commands the Monster to capture them and bring the chipmunks to him. Unlike the novel the Monster understands language immediately and follows orders. A chase goes around the studios and finally the chipmunks get away without harm leaving behind Theodore’s, the youngest chipmunks, stuffed bear. As the novel shows the Monster is not the evil Victor thinks of him. The Monster in the movie follows the chipmunks home and sneaks in through the window into their room. Theo believes him to be a threat, but shows otherwise as the Monster returns the bear Theo lost. Almost as if Theo is the De Lacey of the novel. Theo is blind of the monster’s threat and invites him inside the house. At first the other siblings, Simon and Alvin, are not accepting of the monster, but with the pleading of Theo the Monster stays. As if he is a pet Theo decides to name the monster, Frankie. The chipmunks decide that Frankie is not a bad guy, but needs teaching as any newborn would. They head to the park and show him all the possibilities of friendship. As any children’s movie would, a secret teaching for children is hidden. Frankie is taught how to treat people with respect and kindness. This shows the kindness Frankie could have processed in the novel if he would have been given the chance. In the novel, Frankie could have been a very intelligent creature, but due to the fear humans process Frankie was never given a chance not even by his creator. Soon after returning home Alvin, the middle chipmunk, is taken by Victor to his laboratory. Victor instead of getting Frankie back decides to experiment on Alvin in his stead. Forcefully Victor feeds him a potion and ask him a question, “I am going to turn you into a mindless zombie. Have you ever seen a mindless zombie?” Alvin quickly responds, “Are you kidding I live in Hollywood,” and soon after gives him a powerful electrical charge. Like the novel electrical charge was used to create the monster. The brothers believe they save Alvin in time, but as the eldest brother swiped the potion book which informs