In her short story, Shirley Jackson displays that depraved religious origins do not always lend themselves to a bright future. Once a year, an annual event is held, a tradition of theirs, a lottery. This lottery is said to be done to bring forth good crop turnover, as articulated by Old Man Warner, when talking about those in opposition to the lottery, …show more content…
In nearby villages, some considered apostasy from the tradition. It goes to show that while some will try to cling onto the past, no one can hang on forever. "over in the north village, there talking giving up the lottery. Pack of crazy fools." Though the villagers do not see the purpose they still hold it sacred, "Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even that much tradition as was represented by the black box". The reformation and modernity of religion is, in many towns, subordinate to the power of