Art was resentful of his father as well. Maybe it was because of the double standard or perhaps it was because of his mother’s suicide. One thing is sure, and that is that Art also displays less than desirable character traits as well. One thing that is very evident is when Vladek asked Art to help him fix his roof. Art immediately refuses, suggesting that he hire a professional to do the job. Instead of taking the opportunity to assist his father, and showing that he is not completely worthless. Additionally, Art could have taken this opportunity to continue with his interview while bonding with his father, instead of seeing it as a choir and
Art was resentful of his father as well. Maybe it was because of the double standard or perhaps it was because of his mother’s suicide. One thing is sure, and that is that Art also displays less than desirable character traits as well. One thing that is very evident is when Vladek asked Art to help him fix his roof. Art immediately refuses, suggesting that he hire a professional to do the job. Instead of taking the opportunity to assist his father, and showing that he is not completely worthless. Additionally, Art could have taken this opportunity to continue with his interview while bonding with his father, instead of seeing it as a choir and