Strain, Social Learning, And Control Theory: Three Sociological Theories Of Crime

Improved Essays
Nobody fully knows why people commit crimes and negatively affect our society, but society can try to explain some reasons with sociological theories. People can look at three widely known Sociological theories of crime; Strain, social learning, and control theories. Each of these theories explain crime by using social environment such as, family, school, social groups (friends), workplace, community, and society. Each theory is similar but at the same time very different, each theory is different on how social environments cause crime, they take different parts of social environment, and some theories explain differences of the individual and others explain differences in social groups. Strain theory explains that individuals engage in crime because they are stressed or strained. Social learning theory argues that individuals learn through the people they most closely associate with. Control theory is different than the others because instead of asking why people commit crime they ask why people do not commit crime. Control theorist argue that it is easy to commit a crime and get what you want so it’s about people’s relationships and what they have learned that proves whether they have control or not. All of these theories attempt to explain the social causes of crime and with these theories people can try to solve problems in our society so that we can lower the crime rate and create a safer environment for everyone. …show more content…
The study of crimes has left behind many sociological theories on crime. With these theories society can gain a better understanding on why people commit a crime, understanding why people commit because of their social status, their friends, or where they went to school is very detrimental to solving issues that could lead to a lower crime rate and from there better education and much

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