Similarities And Differences Between Martin Luther And Henry Vii

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The Reformation was a time period when religious, political, and intellectual beliefs began to change. Many people at that time were Catholic and followed the beliefs and orders of the Church, mainly the Pope. Whatever the Church said, was believed to be accurate and the people at that time would do whatever it took in order to follow these rules and get into heaven. However, during the time of the Reformation, the way people started looking at the Catholic Church began to change after the influence of Martin Luther and King Henry VII. Martin Luther and King Henry VII both lived during the time of the Reformation, and were looking for change in the ways of the Church, but had different beliefs in doing so. Luther believed the only way to …show more content…
One thing that was similar, was that they both published some sort of scripture that contained their beliefs, giving the Pope and the Church what they thought. Luther published his 95 Theses and King Henry VII with his Act of Supremacy. They both did end up separating from the Church and went on to create their own religious group. One thing that was different for causing the Reformation were the motives that caused them to act out. King Henry VII believed he had full power and was the head of the Church. He ended up separating from the Church after he was rejected from having a divorce approved by the Pope. Martin Luther on the other hand, acted out because the Catholic Church was selling indulgences just so people could buy their way out of Purgatory. Unlike Henry, Luther thought that the Catholic Church was using the it’s power and wealth wrong, such as selling indulgences, and that having faith in God was being a loyal follower. Although both did end up separating and creating a new religious group, the events that caused them to do so were very different but also quite similar at the same …show more content…
Martin Luther and King Henry VII were two main figures that have helped the Reformation the way it was. Martin Luther played a huge role in the Reformation because he believed the Catholic Church was abusing the power they had, by selling indulgences to make a profit. He helped change that by expressing his opinions through the 95 Theses, informing people that everything the Catholic Church is doing is wrong and what should be done, and moved on to create a new religion based off of Catholicism. King Henry VII also played a huge role in the Reformation. In contrast to Luther, King Henry VII thought the Catholic Church had more power than him, even if he was king, leading him to separate from them. He showed that power was a huge in the Reformation, not just religious beliefs. To conclude, without them, religion and power may have been different even

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