Research Paper On Jerry Sandusky

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A grand jury report with testimony indicating that former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky sexually molested eight young boys over a minimum of fifteen years was made public on November 4, 2011. Penn State officials are said to have neglected to alert law enforcement when they became aware of some of these occurrences. The number of victims rose to ten on December 7, 2011. In 2012, Sandusky was found guilty. Jerry Sandusky was very significant to the Penn State community and had a very successful career. Jerry was a defensive end for the Penn State squad Rip Engle from 1963 to 1965. Later in Jerry Sandusky’s life, he even took his career to Penn State as a coach. From 1969 to 1999, he worked at Penn State in a variety of coaching …show more content…
(CNN) Sandusky said that even though he had been an assistant coach under Paterno for thirty years and had been a regular visitor to the football team's facilities for years following the 2002 incident, Paterno had not spoken to him or confronted him about the accusation. This falls within the apologia strategy of reducing offensiveness. This lack of communication from Paterno added to the controversy surrounding the case and raised questions about institutional responsibility and accountability. Claiming that Paterno never mentioned this behavior and that it was probably not severe, helped to lessen some of the attention that was focused on Sandusky. Later on, Sandusky goes into committing more acts by befriending another boy as part of his charity. Throughout 2006-2007, “Sandusky began to spend more time with the boy, taking him to sporting events and giving him gifts. During this period, Sandusky performed oral sex on the boy more than 20 times and the boy performed oral sex on him once”

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