Personification is when human characteristic are given to non- human objects. One of the examples of personification is when the servant boy tells the three men about their dead friend. He says "There came a privy thief, they call him Death,....He speared him through the heart." (Chaucer, ll, 67-69) Another example is when the publican came and told the three men "By St. Mary, What the child says is right; you'd best be wary, This very year he killed, in a large village a mile away, man, woman, serf at tillage." (Chaucer, ll, 77-80) Another example is when one of the three men says "we will kill this traitor Death, I say" (Chaucer, ll, 91) Another example is when the three men run into an old man and said "Well, sirs, if it be your design to find out Death, turn up this crooked way towards that grove, I left him there today under a tree, and there you'll find him waiting. He isn't one to hide for all your prating. You see that oak? He wont be hard to find." (Chaucer ll,
Personification is when human characteristic are given to non- human objects. One of the examples of personification is when the servant boy tells the three men about their dead friend. He says "There came a privy thief, they call him Death,....He speared him through the heart." (Chaucer, ll, 67-69) Another example is when the publican came and told the three men "By St. Mary, What the child says is right; you'd best be wary, This very year he killed, in a large village a mile away, man, woman, serf at tillage." (Chaucer, ll, 77-80) Another example is when one of the three men says "we will kill this traitor Death, I say" (Chaucer, ll, 91) Another example is when the three men run into an old man and said "Well, sirs, if it be your design to find out Death, turn up this crooked way towards that grove, I left him there today under a tree, and there you'll find him waiting. He isn't one to hide for all your prating. You see that oak? He wont be hard to find." (Chaucer ll,