Kwame Anthony Appiah Racial Identity Analysis

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My three identities are America’s worst fears. My identity is what prevents those who are closed-minded to sleep at night. Men disrespect me. Those who are privileged look down on me, and the racist fear I will bomb their “Land of the Free.” Kwame Anthony Appiah wrote his article “Racial Identities” explaining our different identities and how each of our “collective identities” makes up a script or narrative of shaping our life. I identify myself as an African-American-female-Muslim. As an American who feels oppressed in today's society because of my identity, I feel it affects my daily living and often the treatment I receive from others. Also, political views and ideology also play a part in my different identities and my right for freedom. …show more content…
Thanks to groups such as ISIS, many Americans believe that Muslims are extremists and believe the religion to meant to teach others violence while in contrast Islam actually a religion of peace. “We are thus tracing the history not only of a signifier, a label, but also a history of its effects”(Appiah,43). Appiah talks about how history is significant in identifying a group. Such as the term African to Negro because of the history of slavery. So by tracing the history of terrorist attacks in America going back to 9/11, the public has put a “badge” on Muslims as terrorists and extremists. No matter what we say or do, Muslims have seen a threat to society. The public should understand there is no common American national culture” (Appiah,50). There are no just Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims. America is a country of no “common culture”, but a sea of diversity and of different …show more content…
Even though African’s have gained the same rights as a Caucasian, they are not treated the same outside the law. Many areas Appiah states “racially labeled”(Appiah, 44). as “ghetto” or uneducated. Not only is my identity treated unfairly, but my culture is used as a fashion trend. When some of the pale skin decided to tan their skin for that “summer glow” it is seen as beautiful. But when I wear my dark skin naturally I am seen as “dirty” or even in some cultures, a person of a low status. Even within the law African-Americans are wrongly detained by police officers, and sometimes

murdered just because the officer was afraid of their “label.” I'm afraid my identity might get me in trouble one day, I’m afraid I might be labeled wrong, and I’m afraid to lose my so-called American freedom.
My three identities are America’s worst fears. My identity is what prevents those who are closed-minded to sleep at night. Men disrespect me. Those who are privileged look down on me, and the racist fear I will bomb their “Land of the Free.” Kwame Anthony Appiah wrote his article “Racial Identities” explaining our different identities and how each of our “collective identities” makes up a script or narrative of shaping our life. Overall Appiah’s goal for the reader is to allow the reader to understand that identities can be fractured, engage in identity play, and find

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