As he states in an article in The New Yorker, he wrote The Crucible out of desperation. Miller was accused of being communist and wanted to prove to America that he was not communist, and most people on the Blacklist were not either. In order to prove McCarthy wrong and make America realize how silly the accusations were, he had to bring up the Salem Witch Trials. Because the Witch Trials have come and gone, people can realize that accusing people without prove is ridiculous and unfair. He hoped that writing The Crucible would make American citizens realize that McCarthy was just like Abigail …show more content…
The events were so alike that the analogy is nearly perfect. For example, in both scenarios, false accusations were made by one major character, and because the accusation was so scary, the people believed it. In both cases, the accuser did not have a valid reason for accusing so many different people. Abigail’s main reason for accusing people was to get Elizabeth Proctor in trouble, and Senator McCarthy only accused people to make his campaign sound better so he would be reelected. Neither of them had to blow it out of proportion, but that did not stop