Mary Towne-Easty's Trial

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Mary Towne-Easty was born on August 24, 1634 in New England. She had two sisters, Rebecca Towne Nurse and Sarah Towne Cloyse. All three of these girls were the daughters of William and Joanna Towne. The family lived in the Massachusetts Colony. Mary grew up to marry Isaac Easty and have seven children.
She was accused of witchcraft, along with the rest of her family, at the age of 58. There were several girls in her area who had uncontrollable fits. They blamed this occurrence on the Towne family. While Sarah Cloyse’s husband paid her way out of her troubles, Mrs. Easty and Mrs. Nurse were not so lucky. During Easty’s trial, she claimed to be innocent. Also during her trial, all the girls affected were in the crowd. Whenever Easy would clasp

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