Likewise, in the poem Spring and Fall, by Gerard Hopkins where a child named Margaret is crying over the fallen leaves of a three; however, the child realizes that life is alike the fallen leaves, and one day her life will crumble and succumb to death. in addition, an individual, representing the author, goes to her and explains to the girl that life is not always fair and it should be faced with bravery and acceptance of death. As Hopkins says “It is the blight man was born for, it is Margaret you mourn for.” Which explains Margaret loss of her life in the future. The experience of loss from a child perspective is different from an adult due to the matureness of the individual as Hopkins narrates, “Ah, as the heart grows older it will come to such sights colder” meaning that as an individual age, his felling will not be affected by the death of any leafs or animal, death will be accepted at the end. However, the experience of loosing something important is similar without matting the age. The poem of Spring and Fall shows that not only adults can experience loss but children as well. Moreover, children can be affected if they are not aided and advised by someone mature enough to prevent a life trauma in a kid. Hopkins proves that an individual not always will be able to overcome an experience of loss by itself but it also can overcome by the help of …show more content…
The third man emerges shutting to them, but miraculously neither both received a bullet. Eventually Jules and Vincent kill the third traitor; however, it is in that moment that Jules realizes that his life has been spare and he comes to the conclusion that it was by a divine power who moved the bullets, as Jules says, “Whether or not what we experienced was an According to Hoyle miracle is insignificant. What is significant is that I felt the touch of God. God got involved.” This near death expectance made him realize that he can change his life to a virtuous one. In general, Jules did not lose anything; however, he knew that he could had lost his life due to his criminal life style, to Jules his of felonious days are over; the experience of loss had the power to change Jules’ irrational