When you’re taught in class about the Native Americans, you’re taught the negative side of them, such as they were alcoholics, they were very violent and they didn’t want to leave when we “earned” our land peacefully. That wasn’t the real issue at hand. Lakota Woman, written by Mary Crow Dog, describes Sioux traditions, painful Indian history and the Indian’s constant battle to win equality in America. Mary Crow Dog uses her personal experiences to give an Indian perspective on these issues. By using first hand experiences, Mary helps to give the book credibility. Even if people in today’s society doesn’t know much, or even in some cases doesn’t care about what was happening during that time, it is important to know and understand what happened and how much on an impact it had on many Native American lives, even to this day, Lakota woman illustrates just
When you’re taught in class about the Native Americans, you’re taught the negative side of them, such as they were alcoholics, they were very violent and they didn’t want to leave when we “earned” our land peacefully. That wasn’t the real issue at hand. Lakota Woman, written by Mary Crow Dog, describes Sioux traditions, painful Indian history and the Indian’s constant battle to win equality in America. Mary Crow Dog uses her personal experiences to give an Indian perspective on these issues. By using first hand experiences, Mary helps to give the book credibility. Even if people in today’s society doesn’t know much, or even in some cases doesn’t care about what was happening during that time, it is important to know and understand what happened and how much on an impact it had on many Native American lives, even to this day, Lakota woman illustrates just