Lebron James is the goat because he has the alot of achievements in his…
For example, LeBron James currently holds the record for most points in NBA history. Lebron James also has four championship rings and could get more before he goes into retirement. LeBron James was also voted to be an NBA All-Star his second season in the NBA. Lebron also had really good stats and was really good at basketball when he joined the NBA. He had a lot of really good seasons of putting up points and rebounds and assists and steals and blocks.…
LeBron James LeBron James is a professional NBA player that is a great person, besides being in the NBA, he has many more accomplishments. Coming from a poor home with a single mother. He grew up in poverty and barely could get food on the table. His coach, Frankie Walker, took LeBron into his own hands and let him stay where he could get away from all of the problems and focus more on basketball. LeBron James has many accomplishments outside of basketball.…
LeBron James is easily one of the most recognizable names in the history of sports. This future hall of famer has changed the way of basketball right before our very eyes. No single athlete worldwide has ever left a bigger mark on their sport than LeBron James has left on the game of basketball, and the scary part is that “The King” is nowhere near being done yet. Much like a fine wine, LeBron James is proving all odds wrong and somehow improving his game even after all these these years. No athlete worldwide has ever been as dominate as LeBron James has in the game of basketball for as long as James has.…
Steve Nash One of the G.O.A.T What does it take to become the greatest of all time. Well Steve Nash knew how to become one of the G.O.A.T.S in the sport of basketball. Here are some mind boggling facts about Steve Nash. He is a two time Most Valuable Player, Steve Nash is the first Canadian ever to win the MVP award, Steve Nash has also led his team in assists in both of his MVP years,…
Kevin Durant is undoubtedly one of the most talented and accomplished basketball players in NBA history, and there are several compelling reasons why he deserves to be considered a top 10 player of all time. Scoring Prowess: Durant is an elite scorer, known for his unparalleled scoring ability. He has won four scoring titles throughout his career and possesses one of the most versatile offensive skill sets in NBA history. Standing at 6'10" with a remarkable shooting touch, Durant can score from anywhere on the court, whether it's driving to the basket, shooting from mid-range, or draining three-pointers with incredible efficiency. Championship Success: Durant has proven himself on the biggest stage by winning multiple NBA championships.…
Lebron James is a very decorated and extraordinary individual, he is known as one of the best in the world at what he does. LeBron James has won many awards, championships, and scored an astonishing amount of points. This is what he has done throughout his career is what makes him one of the best, but there have been other players that have done the same things in their career and they aren't as extraordinary as him. He definitely has had a great career, but this isn't the full reason why he is so extraordinary. Many know LeBron James as just a basketball player, but don't know anything else about him.…
Kobe Bryant is a hero to the city Las Angeles. He describes himself by saying, "I am what I am when I step on the court and I become that stone cold killer snake." He grew with his dad playing for the Philadelphia 76ers but his favorite team was the Lakers and favorite player was Magic Johnson. Kobe Bryant is a hero because of his clutch performance, determination, and drive.…
His efforts to prevail and never give up made him a great basketball player and a great…
People may not praise the king, but credit should be where credit is due. Lebron James also known as “King James” is one of the best basketball players in the world. He has achieved many things that people never thought anyone could achieve. Lebron has done it all, he has won championship rings, finals MVP, and also the league MVP four times. Most people might say that Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, and Paul George are better than Lebron, but I like to disagree with that.…
He lead the whole finals in every category in basketball, therefore his team relies on him to do great because if don't then the outcome won't be too great. The last comparison of the two heroes is that the both are unforgettable. ”In the end each clan on the outlying coasts beyond the whale-road had to yield to him and began to pay tribute. That was one good king.”…
Everybody like basketball. Basket ball had a lot of great players like Larry bird or the king Jordan. To me the best is Kobe Bryant also known as the black Maba. I am going to tell you about his early career and his professional career. His legacy and the records he broke and set now I am going to tell you how he came straight out of high school to the NBA.…
Most people were at a loss what to think of the formerly blameless, so-called “prodigy” anymore. People’s feelings were often split on their opinion of Bryant, and the vast majority of these people had a very negative outlook on the situation (“Kobe Bryant” 3). On the other hand, the fact that…
To begin, I would love to have a chance to meet Bryant. First, I want to meet Bryant because he is a legend. To all the city children in the world, Kobe Bryant is a legend in the sports world. Kobe is a famous basketball player.…
Kobe Bryant. It’s more than just a name, it’s a player’s motivation to go out there and give everything he gots. Its’s the crowd is chanting down as the shot clock runs down. It’s a name I look up too, each and every day. Kobe Bryant is seen as basketball’s greatest player to ever play.…