OCD compare/contrast Obsessive compulsive disorder is a distressing disease. People with OCD tend to double check things more than the normal person. A person with OCD might perform routines or rituals over and over. These rituals quiet the part of their brain causing the obsessions. An example would be someone who is obsessed with germs. They develop a compulsion to wash their hands multiple times a day. The obsession is with germs, and the ritual is the hand washing. OCD sometimes runs in families, but no one really knows what causes it. Cognitive behavior therapy is often used to treat OCD. Anti-anxiety medication is also commonly used (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). In the movie As Good as It Gets, Melvin Udall has OCD. Tara Sullivan from the book Kissing Doorknobs also has this condition, the two are similar in some ways and different in some ways. Obsessive compulsive disorder can look different from one person to the next. Tara Sullivan lives in suburban Chicago. She is a white teenage girl with obsessive compulsive disorder. Her family is Catholic. Tara lives with her mother, father and sister, Greta. Tara attends a Catholic church and goes to confession. The part of Chicago that she lives in is suburban, so it is not big city. She has friends at school and walks to …show more content…
Since then, she has not been able to get the saying out of her head. As part of Tara’s religion, she prays a lot. Praying for her sins becomes an obsession. She frequently visits confession and even gets kicked out. One day, Tara starts putting all ten of her fingers on every doorknob she opens. She then puts her fingers to her mouth and kisses them. It progresses to where she does this multiple times before she can open the door. Counting the cracks in the sidewalk causes her to be late to school