John Stuart Mills is famous for his views on utilitarianism. His view is revised from his teacher Jeremy Bentham’s theory of crude utilitarianism which introduces the Greatest Happiness Principle(). Mill expresses the specifics of his views in his literary work titled Utilitarianism.
Mill’s theory of utilitarianism measures the goodness of actions …show more content…
The individual is involved in the decision of action but the rescuers cannot respect the ends of the individual by choosing to save the group of people.
Applying the first formulation to the dilemma in Rescue II, Kant would judge what decision should be made based on the maxim of the rescuer. The maxim could “I should kill an individual in the circumstances that I cannot otherwise save a larger group and increase human welfare”
If this maxim were extended to everyone, it would not work. According to Kant, murder is not an action that is ever acceptable. Additionally, Kant’s deontological theory implies that decisions should not be dependent on outcome or consequence. Meaning, the outcome of the rescuer saving the five people cannot be relied on and therefore it would be immoral to kill the individual person.
According to the second formulation of the Categorical Imperative, it is immoral to use or manipulate people. If this principle were applied to Rescue II, Kant would find it morally wrong to kill the individual in order to save the group. This is justified to Kant because he does not think murder is ever acceptable and also the murder of the individual denies the individual their humanity, or the right to act rationally – they are being used as a means to an