How Operation Aphrodite Changed History

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A soon-to-be president had a tragic incident that changed history drastically while remaining tranquil. Operation Aphrodite was a confidential mission during World War II when the Nazis invaded Poland. People know little about this confidential mission, although, the name may ring a bell, Joseph P. Kennedy, the older brother of John F. Kennedy. Operation Aphrodite changed history in a subtle, yet impactful and intriguing way. Subtly changing history, Operation Aphrodite, is so confidential most people don't know about it, or what it is. When this operation was first planned it was so classified that the few people who knew about it, associated this knowledge of the operation as a suicide mission because of how dangerous it was. This operation …show more content…
All because of this, he wanted to prove himself to his father, so he took on a mission that would change history, but it did not turn out how he had intended. The operation was set up to destroy bombs owned by the Nazis that were not proposed to be used justly and conveniently were buried in a hill. The aircraft for this mission were stripped of all non-essential internal parts and replaced with explosives, professional mechanics did this. The plan was to fly to the hill, parachute out of the plane after the escorts had taken control of the explosive aircraft, and then the escorts would make sure the aircraft reached the target, lastly, this would explode the buried bombs. Operation Aphrodite was very impactful, but no one intended for the impact they received in the end. Considered a short mission, this was planned to be executed in less than thirty minutes, however, something went horribly wrong. Joseph and his co-pilot were ready to parachute down after the escorts had successfully taken remote control of the aircraft, they flipped a switch, which was supposed to give them about thirty seconds to

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