He gave the formal notice in a press conference shortly after launching action, and was met with Congressional and public support for his sponsored “war on terror” (Kiley, 2023). Eventually, the fear tactics allowed for a successful reelection in 2004, and an American presence that is still visible in the Middle East continued even into today. As argued in the past literature, presidents have used immediate action as a guise to push agendas. Bush is no exception, having declared war on a nation he claimed to have WMDs (Hinnebusch, 2007; Kiley, 2023) was the driving force for the attacks into Iraq, but none were found. It is well known that in terms of the Bush presidency, the war began to shift from a “war on terror” to a war based around US domination and economic control of interests in the Middle East, a major stance of the Republican Party at the time. Often described as, “a war of choice”, many major players believed Bush used the 9/11 attacks to push an agenda he hoped to make. Haass, 2023. Another prime example of presidents using this power for political ambitions or gains is the Obama administration's attacks on Syria and …show more content…
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