Harrison Bergeron Essay

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A dystopian world is like an imagined universe where freedom is just an illusion. Freethinking is banned and the government controls people's lives. Most lives in dystopian society's are controlled by a director in power, who controls people's minds in order to brainwash them from their own sanity. "1984" is a dystopian novel written by George Orwell. The protagonist in this novel is Winston Smith, a thirty-nine year old man living in a corrupted society controlled by Big Brother, who is a dictator, who manipulates people's minds in order to have full control. "Harrison Bergeron" is a short story written by Kurt Vonnegut. The protagonist in this story is Harrison Bergeron, a fourteen year old boy who is trying to break equality in his society. People in the story, where manipulated by mental radios …show more content…
"Harrison Bergeron" and "1984" use propaganda, while "The Hunger Games" use manipulation. "Unfair voice for a women use" (Vonnegut 3). The ballerina apologizes to the people who are watching, because her voice sounds so pure and beautiful instead of her sounding like she has a speech impediment. In "1984" contrast with the party by using forms of doublespeak. " Ignorance is Strength" (Orwell 8). Oceania citizens have to fight to stay alive. Unlike the other two stories, people had to fight to the death in order to stay alive. Two people from the main area had to travel to twelve districts in order to find the two other people who would have to fight to the death. (District 12 scene 2). In "1984" and "Harrison Bergeron" , dystopian control are similar except "The Hunger Games" . Big Brother use more advanced control in the novel "1984" . "Whoever controls the past, controls the future" (Orwell 32). Big Brother tries to control Winston physically and mentally, as well as the town folks. Handicap General also uses advanced control in the short story "Harrison

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