Greedence Clearwater Revival Essay

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The Vietnam War was one of the longest and most divisive U.S. military engagements of all time. Initially supported by the public, the massive death tolls and unclear motivations quickly made the war highly unpopular, especially among young people. Anti-war protests became commonplace, and the music of the time reflected this sentiment. “Fortunate One,” by Creedence Clearwater Revival is one of the most recognisable songs from this period, and protested the highly unpopular draft system. The song criticized the draft system, and the practice of wealthy men avoiding being chosen. Ironically, this song is often misinterpreted as a pro-America tune because of its upbeat guitar solo and the opening line, “Some folks are born made to raise the flag.” During this time, the Hippie …show more content…
In the song, Lennon proposed a world with less emphasis on labels, and a greater emphasis on the collective. The Civil Rights Movement was a period of intense political protest. Following decades of segregation, and previously hundreds of years of slavery, Black Americans fought hard for equal standing under the law. Many genres thrived during this period, particularly Jazz, Folk, and Soul music. In addition, Black music legends became household names during this period, including the legendary Sam Cooke. Possibly his most famous song, “A Change is Gonna Come” was one of the most influential songs of the Civil Rights movement. Written about his own experiences battling racial injustice, many Black Americans relate to Cooke’s soulful storytelling. Other non-Black musicians, such as Bob Dylan, had a profound impact on the Civil Rights Movement. Through his music, he gave voice to the struggles and aspirations of African Americans, inspiring solidarity and action. Songs like "Blowin' in the Wind" became anthems for the movement and captured the urgency for

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