Gatsby Critical Lens

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Our exploration of American Literature this year about the pursuit of happiness has been a real eye opener. Reading and talking about all the different styles and writing techniques has really made me appreciate writers and what they are capable of. They can make you feel emotions you've never felt before; the good and the bad. These emotions can range anywhere from making the reader reminisce about the past and what it consisted of, to thinking about the future and what might become of it. It all begins with the pursuit of happiness, which is something everyone around you is constantly seeking. In The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, and “Ain’t I a Woman?”; there are characters constantly trying to obtain their happiness or in the pursuit of …show more content…
Scott Fitzgerald, this story is taking place in the 1920’s locating in New York City. In this novel there is a man whom Fitzgerald calls Jay Gatsby; an extremely wealthy man that throws luxurious parties in his mansion on the West Egg. You might ask why out of all the people, Jay Gatsby, would be trying to pursue happiness? He has everything in life that he could've ever asked for, right? For Gatsby his only way of achieving happiness is to be with Daisy again forever, this is concluded when Nick says about Gatsby “He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: “I never loved you.”(Chapter 6) This sums up the exact emotion Gatsby is feeling throughout the entire story; all he knows is that he wants Tom out of the picture. However Gatsby is acting oblivious to the fact that Daisy is married and keeps pushing his boundaries. There are multiple events where Gatsby really starts to get on edge with Tom, one of these times being when Tom states “I didn’t hear it. I imagined it. A lot of these newly rich people are just big bootleggers, you know.”(Chapter 6) It bothered Tom how everyone around him, including Daisy, was talking about a man named Gatsby he barely knew at the time. Tom did not like all of the attention revolving around someone other than himself; especially if the subject matter was about being successful and …show more content…
Sojourner’s meaning behind this speech is all traced back to her wanting to be happy. Wanting to be happy and free as a woman and as an African American woman. Women in these times were not treated equal compared to men and in this speech, you can tell Truth’s getting sick and tired of it when she states “I could work as much and eat as much as a man- when I could get it- and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman?”(Page 1) This quote says that she capable of doing just as much as a man can but only when she can get the job or food, based off of the fact that she is a woman. Truth knows that she needs to get her audience thinking about making a change and making it soon, therefore she says “If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again!”(Page 1) Sojourner is determined to find her happiness and thus become equal as a woman and an African

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