From Chef Kai's Kitchen Symbolism

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From their writing style, theme, and even symbolism, these two stories are the most fundamentally different stories among the ones we’ve read. These components are key to a story and show the differences between the two. To start, the symbolism in these stories is used differently, with From Chef Kai’s Kitchen having no symbolism! For my chosen examples based around food, in From Chef Kai’s Kitchen, it is the main basis of it all. “My intense focus, constant thirst for knowledge, and extreme love for all food, have contributed to my fourteen-year tenure in the competitive culinary industry.” (Zyganiuk, Kai, Strength and Struggle, pg. 58) In this quote, I believe it shows the lack of symbolism quite well; nothing is left to the imagination; …show more content…
But throughout the story, as he walks through memories and learns to share the night, he also shares the cereal. “He takes the handful of cereal out of his pocket, extends his arm out over the water and closes his eyes. Sometimes it is hard to make the feeling come true. Sometimes the feeling in his stomach is too strong. Not today. Today it is easy and, with closed eyes, and with skinny arms held out, he slowly sprinkles crushed Cheerios into the Coquitlam River." Bruyere, Gord, Strength and Struggle, pg. 113. 23) He shares the cereal and the night by the end of the book; this shows his growth towards sharing the good with his family and being more responsible and grown up. In addition, the theme of a story is a key part of any story and is what will bring in its respective audience; in this case, these two stories have the most contrasting themes. The Raven Flies South has a theme of growing up and is more of a coming-of-age story, well showcased in this section. It's time to go back inside. He will line up the cereal boxes, place a bowl and spoon on each side of the table so those brats won't fight, take out the milk again, and go wake everyone …show more content…
He has to find the key on a shoelace that Dolly was twirling around last night and remember to put it around his neck to keep safe. He can't get mad at them because it will only get everyone upset. He has to be kind and grown up.” (Bruyere, Gord, Strength and Struggle, pg. 24. The aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid afor It follows a boy named Raven walking through his yard while remembering moments with Kooks, ending with him leaving an offering at the river and coming back home to do his responsibilities and share the early morning with his family. To compare, in From Chef Kai's Kitchen, the theme isn't presented the same as in your typical story book, which makes sense because it's not a fictional story! It's less of a concept like in The Raven Flies South; it's more about Chef Kai's experiences and how talented he is at his passion, cooking. “With a cookbook currently in the works, radio interviews under my belt, and an interest in both video and television production, I was selected as one of sixteen top Canadian chefs for Canada's first reality TV series, The Pressure Cooker." Zyganiuk, Kai, Strength and Struggle,

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