This order represented a disregard for the civil liberties of individuals, which are engraved into the U.S. Constitution. According to the pamphlet by Carey McWilliams, Japanese Relocation Problems, “It is doubtful if any deprivation of civil rights so sweeping and categorical as this has ever been performed under the war powers and justified by the courts”. The idea of officials saying the lack of civil rights has never been this bad, is …show more content…
Rather than targeting individuals that were linked to the crime, the order punished an entire race. As claimed in the pamphlet created in 1944, ancestral ground served as the basis for the evacuation. “Chinese and Koreans, who belong to the same race as Japanese, were not removed; but all persons having japanese blood, however slight, were excluded”. During this time period, people were fighting against racism every day. This quote accurately reflects the removal was solely based on Japanese heritage, giving them greater motivation to defend