Examples Of Dehumanization In 1984

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Dehumanization Picture a world where common courtesy was a foreign term or empathy and love no longer exist. Now envision a place where one might call home, where every man and women is exactly the same just another number. All of these things are happening all around us, all it takes is the right angle to see the true horror of it all. Today is mirroring so many aspect from the book 1984, from government control to the truly spine chilling fact of dehumanization. Dehumanization is exactly what it sounds like, the bits and parts that make everyone who they truly are, are being stripped away at an alarming rate. These bits and pieces are made up of what each of us love, hate, talk about, cry over, dream about, and so much more. These are the …show more content…
1984 was wrote around the time of these unspeakable actions. Around the time of the serious potential for the spread of communism. The country of Oceania followed the same pattern as a communist country for example the 3 main are propaganda, inner party having all the power, and dehumanization. Fulton J. Sheen once said “Communism is the final logic of the dehumanization of man” (Fulton,Iz).It looks as if our country has become similar to this, our movies, newspapers, and news channels are all infiltrated with propaganda. Our government has way more power over each American than they would admit. They control everything from our food and water supply and don’t forget our education. The NSA reads thousands and thousands of text messages and emails from everyone. And lastly the biggest one dehumanization the only thing you though was out of reach of the government. But that’s not true anymore, the government can now change you as a person to fit their needs and desires for each and every one of us. '"I hate purity. I hate goodness. I don't want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones"' (Orwell 127). The way to successfully dehumanize a population is to take way individuality, compassion, and …show more content…
Is it the way we fall in love with someone or the way when we talk about something we love our eyes spark with excitement? Or maybe it’s when you catch yourself in a daydream or it could simply be how we laugh until our stomachs ache. The thing that should be spared from the power of the government should be these things that make us human. But unfortunately that’s not the case not here or in the book 1984, Winston told us himself "The proles are human beings", he said aloud. "We are not human" (Orwell

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