The Progressive era was an era that was very high in reform. James Otis was a Progressive reformer who specialized in living conditions in the cities. He built a brake for elevators. Louis Sullivan was another Progressive reformer who specialized in living conditions in the cities. He is the father of architecture for skyscrapers. The Progressive Era was an era where Brooklyn Bridge was built. It is the first suspension bridge in the United States. Jacob Riis, was a very great Progressive reformer who was also a great muckraker who exposed the evil conditions of the cities with the tenement houses. Henry George was also another Progressive Reformer who specialized in living conditions in the cities. Henry George wrote the book Progress and Poverty. He believed that everyone should but …show more content…
Jane Addams was a Progressive reformer who helped women gain the right to vote and founded the Hull House.Carrie Chapman Catt was a Progressive reformer who was for women’s suffrage because she was president of the National American Women’s Suffrage association. Ida Tarbell was a Progressive reformer who exposed the evils of the Standard Oil Company in her great book A History of the Standard oil Company, which exposed the cruel ways of the Standard Oil Company and woyuld eventually lead to the Standard Oil Company’s break-up. Rockefeller, inresponse to the good thing that she did, acted as an evil wizard and kicked Ida Tarbell out of business.It was because of the evilness and ignorance of the robber barrons, the people who owned businesses during both the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era who got what they wanted very unethically,that living conditions around the time of the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era were very awful, which caused the low fertility rates for women to not be able to have kids and families and good husbands, and the low survival rates of people arund this time, and the awful living conditions of the tenement