Douglas Macarthur Research Paper Outline

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Douglas Macarthur was a general who studied for years on how to lead an army and ended the Second World War. Thesis: Douglas MacArthur was a good man who was dedicated, courageous, loyal, and last but not least he was brave. He went to West Point for 4 years and had the highest academic record in the history of West Point. Douglas was a brave man. “Despite advance warning, the Japanese invasion of December 1941 badly defeated MacArthur's forces in the Philippines.” “MacArthur was determined to hold the Philippines but the situation was hopeless, and he was ordered to withdraw to Australia to take command of Pacific operations. Reluctantly MacArthur agreed, and accompanied by his wife and child, he set out on a daring escape by PT boat. Dismayed …show more content…
What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Douglas was a courageous man. “General MacArthur had to contend with powerful forces inside Japan with an aggressive push by the Soviet Union to occupy part of the nation.” (explora) He was able to focus on his mission while multitasking the dangers of both sides during the war. B. “During the Korean War, MacArthur continues to employ his military prudence and remains loyal to his conscience to preserve and cultivate democracy and Christianity in Asia, remaining loyal to his original orders to overtake the entire Korean Peninsula, against his irresolute superiors” ( He was loyal throughout the whole mission of taking down the regime of the Chinese Communist Party in …show more content…
What is the difference between a.. MacArthur was a dedicated man. A poor-to-average student, MacArthur began to excel upon entering the military academy at West Point, New York, in 1899. ( britannica school ) B. After another sojourn in the Philippines, MacArthur was appointed chief of staff of the U.S. Army in 1930, a post he held through 1935. ( Britannica school ) Dedication is key for graduating school and becoming general of an army. Douglas MacArthur had shown great bravery in his times. “I came through and I shall return.” (gale in context) This is an example of how he showed bravery during the times of his service for his army because he was kicked out of the army. “Despite advance warning, the Japanese invasion of December 1941 badly defeated MacArthur's forces in the Philippines.” (gale in context) He still managed to return to stop Japan from conquering the world with the help of Germany when he came back as he

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