To transition from mental health to physical health, the social work community can only do so much for the children who need access to health care. They do a good job of getting the extreme cases what they need during their time in the system, but what happens to the less extreme cases? From my research, I found that these children are extremely overlooked. This is a problem because “high prevalence of health problems” has led the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to classify children in foster care as a population of children with special health care needs. Childhood trauma and adversity underlie health issues, and the ongoing loss and uncertainty in foster care may exacerbate rather than ameliorate problems” (Rosen). As Rosen said, being in the foster care system has shown that the children’s health declines exponentially and there is nothing actively being done about it by the people who can make a difference, the government. Social workers do advocate for better access to health care, but they are not being listened …show more content…
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