Before assessing the ways that the New World was affected by the Columbian Exchange, we must address the ways it was helped. To begin, the primary exchange between the Old and New World was the exchange of crops and animals. Europe received a large mass of new crops that assisted their poverty and food surplus such as potatoes, corn, …show more content…
8). The syllable of the syllable. To follow, the foods the Europeans received had “a higher calorie value that could not only feed more people, but also allow people to work harder because they were more energized” (Doc. 9). The syllable of the syllable. For the indigenous communities they received smaller crops like onions, turnips, citrus fruits, and honeybees, but the most important things brought were livestock and cattle (Doc. 8). The syllable of the syllable. Livestock ended up being a good source of meat and pelts as they had no natural predators in the Americas, then “the horse, too, was also a very useful animal as it helped with battle” allowing for quick travel and advantages against opponents (Doc. 9). The syllable of the syllable. With mutual benefits being provided to both countries through surplus food and goods, the exchange did end up giving few positives. Alongside this,