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41 Cards in this Set

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the process of inducing painless death to pets


how should euthanasia be done?

• should be done rapidly and humanely

• should be done away from public view

This euthanasia is satisfactory for several species if used in an uncrowded chamber- safe, humane, economical, rapid

carbon dioxide

TRUE OR FALSE: Euthanasia in small rodents newborn may be more resistant than adults.


In euthanizing rabbits by carbon dioxide, how much concentration is needed?

concentrations of 40-100% are safe and effective

In euthanizing dogs and cats by carbon dioxide, how much concentration is needed?

should at least be 40%, preferably 70%

how many minutes should an animal remain in the container after carbon dioxide euthanasia?

20 minutes after respiratory arrest to ensure death

TRUE OR FALSE: Carbon Dioxide euthanasia is not suitable for cats which become unconscious within 90 seconds and die in 5 minutes in concentrations less than 60%

False. It’s very suitable for cats.

What euthanasia inhalation anesthetics that may be too expensive?

Halothane and methoxyflurane

this euthanasia inhalation anesthetic is inexpensive but flammable, but it is unsatisfactory because death is prolonged


this euthanasia inhalation anesthesia is not recommended any more

Chloroform or Carcinogenic

this is the most commonly used barbiturates euthanasia

sodium pentobarbital (pentobarbitone)

in rodents, this route in euthanasia barbiturates is easier and faster

intraperitoneal (IP) route

in rodents, this route of euthanasia barbiturate is more difficult and time-consuming

intravenous (IV) route

these euthanasia barbiturates may be painful and are recommended only in animals already sedated

intrathoracic and intracardiac methods

in euthanasia barbiturates, sodium pentobarbital at three times the anesthetic dose causes what in dogs and cats?

cardiac arrest

in euthanasia barbiturates, premedication with sedative drugs by intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) routes facilitates what?

restraint for intravenous injection

reserved for fractious animals

IP injection

can be used in dogs already anesthetized, or by skilled personnel in unanesthetized animals

intracardiac injection

These animals are injected by IP or IV route while animal is being held or restrained in squeeze cage in euthanasia barbiturates


This type of euthanasia requires skill to be effective and humane

cervical or cranial concussion (stunning)

how are guinea pigs stunned?

may be with a sharp blow to the back of the neck

How are rabbits stunned behind the head?

• wooden or metal object

• the heel of the hands as in a karate blow (rabbit punch)

after stunning rodents, it’s usually followed by?

exsanguination and thorocatomy

after stunning rabbits, it’s usually followed by?




this type of euthanasia also requires skill to be effective and humane

cervical dislocation

this type of euthanasia is very satisfactory in mice, can be used for other animals weighing less than 250 gm e.g. young rats; used only if a few mice are to be sacrificed

cervical dislocation

what is placed against the back of the neck when doing a cervical dislocation in rodents?


first finger


piece of wood

metal object

these animals are more difficult to euthanatize by the cervical dislocation method due to their short necks, stronger neck muscles, and loose skin over the neck and shoulders

hamsters and guinea pigs

this euthanasia by decapitation is unpleasant and dangerous to the operator but useful for pharmacological studies or for special studies in which drugs are contraindicated

Performed with the use of guillotine

this method of euthanasia is objectionable to many people

euthanasia by decapitation and performed with the use of guillotine

Euthanasia method that is used in animals (usually rabbits and guinea pigs) that have high titers of antibodies


when must be exsanguination performed?

AFTER anesthetization

in exsanguination, isolation of the carotid artery or venipuncture via the intracardiac route are means of?

withdrawing blood

this euthanasia method is NOT recommended in unanesthetized animals but mostly used in rabbits

air by the intravenous route

5-50 mL/kg produces rapid death that may be accompanied by convulsions, opisthotonos, pupillary dilatation, and vocalization

air by intravenous route

this euthanasia method is given intravenous to cats and dogs to effect; animals MUST be sedated first

chloral hydrate and magnesium sulfate

how many concentration of ethanol should be used in mice and rats only?

70% concentration is usually used

this euthanasia method is initially proposed by Dr. Roger Lord of the Queensland (Australia) Institute of Medical Research, Herston, Queensland (CCAC Research 16(1); 1991,1992- January)

euthanasia by ethanol

how is ethanol injected?

injected intraperitoneally

humane, inexpensive, very simple euthanasia method

euthanasia by ethanol