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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between rabbits and hares?

Which are easier to rehab?
Rabbits are altricial (born hairless - need burrows); Hares are precocial (born ready to go)

Hares are easier to rehab.
How do rabbits regulate heat?
Through their ears.
What is the "wet" area under the mouth?
These are mental gland secretions and are normal.
Why can't you see rabbit molars?
Because of their hairy lip invaginations. Mean you'll have to anesthetize to look at the molars.
What are the two bumps in the rabbit larynx? Can be seen here.
Who knows - but they're normal.
Do rabbits have foot pads?

How many digits are on the front/back feet?

5 up front, 4 in back.
Why is it important that rabbits have well-furred feet?
To prevent sore hock. This can be fatal.
How do you treat sore hocks?
Very difficult, usually bi-lateral, move to soft surfaces.
What's the sensitive point of rabbit skeletons?
The big legs can kick out and cause the animal to land weird and break it's own back.
Are rabbit teeth brachydont or hypsodont?
hypsodont - they grow continually. This is all of their teeth.
T/F Rabbits are grazers
What is the structure seen in the orbit?
This is the Harderian gland, or deep gland of the third eyelid.
Where do you draw blood from on rabbits? Give IV injections?
The lateral ear vein, to the right in the slide, is the most accessible sight for intravenous injections in the rabbit. Some will give them in the cephalic vein. Larger volumes of blood can be taken from the central artery of the ear..
Why should rabbits not be restrained by holding the chest?
Their thorax is very small and though they have a diaphram and use it to breath, they breath mostly through expanding the very compliant chest wall.
What are cecotrophs?
In rabbit digestion, there are cecal balls (cecotrophs) formed that pass directly through the LI to the anus and are ingested again. They get many nutrients/vitamins that way.
How do you know that this animal is an herbivore?
The small and large intestine are quite extensive and complex.
What does an empty rabbit stomach mean?

They are grazers and should eat continuously. If they are empty it likely means that the rabbit has been in trouble for a while.
How does food get into a rabbit's cecum?
Through an ileocecal junction - all food must pass through the cecum.
Do rabbits do most digesting in the cecum or colon (LI)?
The cecum, the colon is pretty small.
What are the two lymphoid structures (GALT) of the rabbit GI?
Sacculus rotundus and lymphoid appendix in the cecum.
What do you see in the upper right hand of this rabbit stomach?
Which liver lobe of the rabbit hangs over the right kidney?
The caudate process of the caudate lobe.
What kind of kidneys do rabbits have?
What are located withing the inguinal divots to either side of these female sex organs of a rabbit?

Which areas are the anus and vulva?
Inguinal sex glands.

The vulva is up top of this picture, the anus is down below on this picture.
What type of cervix do rabbits have? What about the type of uterus?
A double cervix.
The uterus is a duplex uterus.
When performing ceasareans in rabbits, do you need to incise both horns?
Yes, even if the pregnancy is only in one horn.
Do male rabbits have inguinal glands?

What is special about their inguinal canals?

The canals are open, so the testes can go up and down.
What do we see here?
This is scrotum with a testis that has withdrawn back into the body cavity. The nub on the bottom is the tail of the epididymus.
What accessory sex glands do rabbits have?
Vesicular gland (8), prostate (9,10), bulbourethral gland (11), and ampullary regions (7).

15 are preputial glands.
How many digits do guinea pigs have on their feet?
Top is manus with four digits and bottom is pes with three digits
Do guinea pigs have hairy lip invaginations?
In which direction are the guinea pig cheek teeth angled? Why?
The bottom teeth are angled inward and top teeth angled outward for the rotational chewing style of guinea pigs.
Where is the thymus located in the guinea pig?
First off, will only be found substantially in young animals, and it will be located up in the neck.
Sex these guinea pigs!

How many openings do they have?
Left - female with anus, vaginal and urethral opening.

Right - males with anal and urethral opening
What would you assume if you couldn't find the vaginal opening in a female guinea pig?
You would assume that she was not in estrus, because in some, their vaginal opening will seal shut...every sixteen days. Exhausting. But at least there are no mixed signals.
Name these "holes" on the female guinea pig.
Closed vagina
perineal sinus
Name these "holes" in the male guinea pig.
Perineal sinus
This is a male guinea. What are the things that I called uterine horns in lecture?
Vesicular glands that meet at prostate glands.

You can also see testes covered by fat pads.
How would it be best to draw blood from a guinea pig?
Heel stick via the lateral saphenous a.