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56 Cards in this Set

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In 1934, North Dakota Senator ______ headed a Senate investigation into banking and the munitions industries. He concluded that they had conspired to drag the United States into World War I for their own profit. He labeled munitions manufacturers "merchants of death." His committee's report fed the isolationist mood of Americans in the mid-1930s.
Gerald P. Nye
“The Triumph of Isolationism”
Robert A. Divine
forbade sale of munitions to belligerents
Neutrality Act of 1935
ignored by Am. Manufacturers
Sec. of State Cordell Hull and "moral embargo"
Leftist gov’t and Fascists under him…during Spanish Civil War
Francisco Franco
Japanese attacks china…we send arms to both sides…FDR gives this speech; it angers the Isolationists
Quarantine speech
Hitler and Stalin signed this, Diplomatic Revolution
10 year non-agression pact
Sitting War
Lightning War
British escaped here, alone in war against Hitler
Secretary of War, and Secretary of Navy
Henry Stimson, Frank Knox
ran against FDR
election of 1940, Windell Wilkie
Ger sub fires on this American Sub…FDR claimed it carried mail
Destroyer Greer
American Destroyer sunk by Germans; then congress votes to arm merchant ships
Reuben James
Japanese Ambassador
Kichisaburo Nomura
Japan took over this region…around the Vietnamese area
broke the code; we knew the attack was imminent; expected Philippines
William Friedman
In charge at Pearl Harbor, Admiral
Husband E. Kimmel
General In charge at Pearl Harbor
Walter Short
In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the government's policy of detaining Japanese Americans in internment camps, even when there was no specific evidence that they posed a danger to American security. The Court justified the policy as a military necessity in wartime.
Korematsu v. U.S.
This federal agency during World War II fixed price ceilings on all commodities, controlled rents in defense areas, and rationed scarce goods such as sugar, fuel, and automobile tires.
Office of Price Administration
President Wilson created the _______ in 1917 to settle labor disputes during World War I. It prevented many strikes, set wages-and-hours standards, and compelled employers to deal with labor leaders, thus promoting labor unions.
War Labor Board
president of the United Mine Workers Union in the 1930s, and he took full advantage of Section 7a of the NIRA to expand his union's membership. He and others formed the Committee for Industrial Organization in the AFL, which in 1938 became the separate CIO with him as its president.
John L. Lewis
federal government could seize & operate tied-up industries (did w/coal & rr); Strikes against gov’t operated criminal offense.
Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act
Women in Factories, Poster with the women with muscles
"Rosie the Riveter"
Head of Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters-threatened march on Washington to demand equal opportunities in jobs & armed forces.
A. Phillip Randolph
telling factories or businesses to not be racists when they hire ppl
executive order #8802
Native Americans left reservations to serve in Armed Forces
Navaho and Comanche "code talkers"
Solders forced to take 80 miles march to POW camps
Bataan Death March
occurred between U.S. and Japanese aircraft carriers in May 1942 and served to halt the Japanese advance toward Australia during World War II.
Battle of Coral Sea
Japanese tried to take over this Island, but we knew in advance; we waited for them
led the American forces at Midway
Chester Nimitz and Raymond Spruance
the Aleutians, Japanese took this; Americans Feared invasion of U.S. diverting much from war effort
Kiska and Attu
was the American strategy in the Pacific during World War II. It involved a leapfrogging movement of American forces from one strategic island to the next until American forces were in control of the Pacific and prepared to invade Japan.
"Island Hopping"
the british broke this German code
commanded the elite Afrika Korps in North Africa in World War II. He had great expertise in armored warfare (tanks) and was nicknamed "the desert fox."
Marshal Erwin Rommel
he defeated Rommel at El Alamein, drove him back to Tunisia
Bernard Montgomery
Allied invasion of North Africa was led by this guy.
Dwight Eisenhower
FDR flew there to meet w/ Churchill, Agreed to invade Sicily, step up war in Pacific; insist on unconditional surrender.
Casablanca Conference
Meeting of FDR, Churchill, Stalin was here on Nov. 28-Dec. 1943 to establish plans
Teheran , Iran
The british intelligence misled the Germans into thinking a main attack would be here
Election of 1944, Republicans nominated him
Thomas Dewey
Hitler made last ditch effort to break thru here to reach Antwerp
Ardennes Forest
basically when Hitler took over places…they basically just gave it to him because Hitler promised not to take anymore.
Together with the Battle of the Philippine Sea (June 1944), it completed the destruction of Japanese sea power in the Pacific. It is in the Philippines.
Leyte Gulf
U.S. captured these places after heavy losses
Iwo Jima and Okinawa
Here, Germany, in April 1945, Allied leaders divided Germany and Berlin into four occupation zones, agreed to try Nazi leaders as war criminals, and planned the exacting of reparations from Germany. In its Declaration, the United States also declared its intention to democratize the Japanese political system and reintroduce Japan into the international community and gave Japan an opening for surrender.
the nickname of the B-29 Superfortress bomber that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945.
Enola Gay
the Emperor of Japan
Blood Plasma
Dr. Charles Drew
the name adopted by the United States, Britain, and their allies against Germany and Italy; after 1945, an international organization joined by nearly all nations
United Nations
a city in the Russian Crimea, hosted a wartime conference in February 1945, where U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin met. The Allies agreed to final plans for the defeat of Germany and the terms of its occupation. The Soviets agreed to allow free elections in Poland, but the elections were never held.
Yalta Conference
As created at the San Francisco Conference in 1945, it was the locus of authority in the new organization. It had five permanent members (U.S., Soviet Union, China, France, and Great Britain) and six others elected for two-year terms. Permanent members were given veto power over UN action.
Security Council
editor of Time, Called it “The American century”
Henry Luce
Where United Nations discussions took place
General Assembly
Replacement of Churchill
Clement Attlee