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34 Cards in this Set

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What was the foundation of culture and society during the Middle Ages?
What are some characteristics of art in the Middle Ages?
Humans are portrayed as unnatural figures.
Most paintings are considered to be two-dimensional.
The style of art is described as dark, fantasy-like, and even Gothic.
What were the causes of the Renaissance?
Crusades fought in the Middle East.
A growth in trade from the Middle East
Spread of disease/plague
Death of Millions
Where did the Renaissance first begin to develop?
Urban areas in Northern Italy
Which class and group of people MOST benefitted from the economic changes of the Renaissance?
middle class & merchants
According to experts from the time, what was it MOST important for men and women of the Renaissance to be?
Why were Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarotti considered leaders of the Renaissance?
They were well educated.
They excelled at many things.
They incorporated scientific principles into artistic expression.
What were the effects of the Renaissance?
Enjoyment of life
How did the printing press change most people's lives?
Books became less expensive.
Information could be communicated more easily.
New subjects and areas of study were introduced.
What effect did inventions (i.e. the printing press) and the growth of trade have on the Renaissance?
It spread North and to the rest of Europe.
What were some common forms of corruption in the Catholic Church?
Selling positions of leadership within the church.
Charging Christians to see sacred relics.
Popes having illegitimate children.
Selling Indulgences
How did Martin Luther first protest against the Catholic Church?
Publishing the 95 Theses.
What issue became most important issue of disagreement among Protestants & Catholics?
Whether individuals should be allowed to interpret the Bible themselves.
What impact did the Protestant Reformation have on Christianity?
It divided Christians into either Catholic or Protestant groups.
In what parts of Europe did Protestant religions become more popular?
England and Germany
What are some similarities between Catholics and Protestants?
A "good" Christian's soul can be saved.
Jesus is the messiah and son of God
The Bible is the holy book
Christian religions
What are some differences between Catholics and Protestants?
Language the Bible should be written in.
Use of religious artwork to teach.
Sale of indulgences.
Marriage of religious leaders.
What punishment did Martin Luther serve for questioning the Church?
He was excommunicated from the church.
How did people learn about the natural world before the Renaissance?
By relying on the church's teaching and ancient texts.
Based on his ideas about who could read the Bible, what Renaissance value does Luther represent MOST?
Why were Copernicus's ideas seen as threatening to the Church?
He argued against the geocentric theory.
After Copernicus's death, how did Galileo support his argument about the earth and sun?
By using a telescope, writing a book, and observing the movements of the moons of Jupiter.
What happened to Galileo for supporting Copernicus's ideas publicly?
He was prosecuted in a court of inquisition.
How was the case of Galileo different from Luther?
Galileo did recant his books and ideas but Luther didn't.
What purpose did Newton have form inventing calculus?
To prove that planets do not move in perfectly circular patterns.
Why wasn't Newton prosecuted for teaching new ideas that challenged the Church?
He lived in England, which is far away from Rome?
Why did the Church reject many of the ideas of the Scientific Revolution?
They challenged the ideas the Church supported.
What resulted from the development of the Scientific Method?
Use of logic & reason to draw conclusions.
What concept states that the power to rule should be split up among different branches of the government?
separation of powers
According to Thomas Hobbes's concept of a social contract, what do people give up in order to gain security?
Which philosopher's ideas of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are best supported in the Declaration of Independence?
John Locke
What Enlightenment idea does "I disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"?
freedom of speech
What change in society helped to bring about the Enlightenment philosophers and their ideas?
Scientific Revolution & Renaissance
How does American government reflect Enlightenment thinking and ideas?
Authority to rule comes from the people.
Powers of government are separated into three branches.
People's right to free speech is protected by the government.