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192 Cards in this Set

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What percentage of Earth is Water?
Phases of Oceanography
I)Food, Transportation, Trade
II)Exploration & Conquest
III)Settlement of Colonies & Mail route
What is the 1st Charted Oceanic Vessille?
The Challenger
In WWII Who is Credited with Beginning Deep Sea Exploration?
William Beebe w/ the Bathysphere
In WWI & II What was an Important Oceanographic Technique?
Sonar Depth Recorders
What is the barrier that keeps ocean water from being a viable source of drinking water?
Cost & Impracticality
Sea is a Potential Source for what?
Most Common Way to Get Electricity from Ocean...
Tidal Energy Conversion w/ Turbines
Most Accepted Earth Creation Theory...
Big Bang Theory
-1 Major Explosion, Expanding Universe
What is the Oscillation Theory?
A Series of Explosions/Contractions (Black Holes)
What Composed the Earths Earliest Atmosphere?
Water Vapor
What is the Most Abundant Gas in the World?
Why was Oxygen Not Present in Early Earth Atmosphere?
It would of Destroyed Early Life
Black Rocks are Evidence
What Could Have Converted the Early Atmosphere to the Current?
-Comet Ice
-Chemical Dissociation: Could be reason for large amount of water on earth
3 Proposed Possible Origins of Life
Miraculous Creation
Extra Terrestrial Origin
Chemical Development
What Hemisphere has the Greatest Amount of Water?
What Ocean is the Largest?
Pacific Ocean
What Ocean is Warmest?
Atlantic Ocean
What Ocean is the Deepest & Coldest?
Pacific Ocean
What Ocean is only Separated by Ocean Currents/
Antarctic Ocean
Deepest Place in Any Ocean?
Marianas Trench
What are Submarine Canyons?
V-Shaped River like Depressions that Cut through the Continental Slope by Turbidity Currents
How is the Continental Rise made?
Layered Sediments Deposited by Turbidity Currents from Submarine Sediment Fans
What is the Continental Shelf?
Broad Relatively Flat Area Next to a Continent
What is the Continental Slope?
Area of the Continental Terrace w/ the Greatest Angle
What is the Continental Rise?
Area adjacent to the Continental terrace where Submarine Fan Deposit Occur
Most of the Ocean Floor is called the...
Abyssal Plain
What does the Mantle of the earth behave like?
Silly Putty
What is the Outer Core of the Earths Mantle formed of?
Who is given Credit for attempting to popularize the Continental Drift & what was it based on?
Alfred Wegener
Based on Study of Fossils & Climate
Who said that the Pacific Ocean was pulled out of the Earths Crust by the Moon?
George Darwin
What is the Continental Drift Supported by?
Similarity of Fossils found from Antarctica & South America
2 Biggest Problems of Early Supporters of the Continental Drift had explaining...
National Intrest During War
What was Pangaea?
Super Continent that contained all Continents in Northern & Southern Hemispheres
How Old are the Oldest Rocks on the Ocean Floor?
Approximately 200 million yrs old
What is the Plate Tectonic Theory?
Its States that New Crust is being Produced at the Ridges
Where are the Most Dense Rocks on the Sea Floor found?
At the Ridges
What is the Driving Forces (Mechanisms) for Plate Tectonics?
Drag of Downgoing Slabs & Convection Cells in the Earths Mantle
What is the Most Important Classification of Clastic Rocks?
Grain Size
What Deposits Result in the Best Sorting?
Wind Deposits
Cross-Bedding of Sediments indicates that Rocks were Deposited in what?
Water or Ice
Sand Grains that have been Pitted or "frosted" indicates deposition by what?
What Sediments Occur in Shallow Water by a Continent?
What are the Most Common Lithogenic Sediments found on Abyssal Plain?
Red Clay
What are the Most Common Sediments that Occur on Continental Rise?
Terrigenous Clastics
Most Common Hydrogenic Sediment that Occurs on Abyssal Plain?
Foraminferal Oozes that Occur above CCD, <3000-4000m
Most Common Biogenic Sediment that Occur Abyssal Plain?
Diatom Oozes Below CCD
What kind of Molecule is Water?
Waters Structure Relates to its Ability to what?
Absorb a lot of heat w/ little temperature change
What can be used to Determine Salinity?
Conductivity Meter
What are 2 Major Chemical Elements in Water?
What is the Average Ocean Salinity?
35 ppt
Where does the Greatest Variation in Salinity Occur?
Near Coasts & Shallow Waters
Under Any High Control or Shallow Water how does Carbonate & Silica Respond?
Carbonate Precipitates
Silica Dissolves
Under Any Low Control or Deep Water how does Carbonate & Silica Respond?
Carbonate Dissolves
Silica Precipitates
What is Average Ocean pH?
7.8 to 8.4
What affects Water Density?
Water Density always has a value near what?
What would be an Unstable Condition of Water?
Dense Water on top of Less Dense
Maximum Density of Salt Water occurs at what temperature?
5 Degrees Celsius
What is the Pynocline?
Region of Maximum Density Change
Where does the thermal equator lie in the summer?
10 degrees N of equator
Where does the Oxygen Minimum Occur?
What is hard to determine about sound in water?
In tropical Climates the Water Temp. in a Stable Temp. Profile will be...
Higher than the Thermocline & Higher than the Bottom Water
What is the first Color Absorbed by Sea Water?
What Direction Does Water Move in Southern Hemisphere?
What Current flows North to South in N. Atlantic Ocean?
Canary Current
What Current flows from East to West in N. Atlantic Ocean?
Equatorial Current
Formation of Rings in the Gulf Stream is most closely related to...
What causes El Nino-Southern Oscilation?
Lack of Upwelling along California
The Ekmann Spiral is most related to what?
Deep Ocean Currents
Long Lines of Sea Weed floating on the Surface of Ocean from Water movement is due to...
Lengmuir Circulation
Water masses may be identified by what 2 things?
Rapid Seaward Movement of Water along a Coast is protected by Sand is called...
A Rip Current
Progressive Waves move in a what direction?
Outward Direction
What does Celerity of a Wave mean?
The speed
What kind of Wave Moves only Up & Down w/ no Direction?
Seiches or Standing Waves
What are Breakers caused by?
Shallow Water
How do Water Particles move in Deep Water Waves?
What contributes to maximum wave height in open ocean?
Fetch (Distance)
What are tsunamis caused by?
What depth can you find chop?
Depths less than 1/20 L
Refraction of Waves along shorelines is caused by what?
Longshore Currents
Centrifugal Force is very important in determining what?
Diffraction Waves along shorelines cause what?
Reflection of Waves along shorelines cause what?
How do offshore tsunamis move?
Fast speeds with low wave heights
What has been the most effective way to harvest electric power from ocean?
Diurnal tides have what?
1 low tide and 1 high tide
Maximum Tidal Range Occurs when?
Spring tides
What is a Berm?
High point on a beach profile that makes the division b/w the back & foreshore
What is a Spit?
Extension of beach that curves into a bay, but does not completely close off the bay mouth
What is a notch?
Erosional Area at the Base of a Wave Cut Cliff
What are 3 man-made structures that have been used to alter coastal areas?
Groins, Sea Walls, & Jetties
What is a Major Control on Marine Life?
What is a Nekton?
Plant/Animal that swims through water
What is a Sessile Epifaunal Critter?
Critter attached to the surface substrate
Sea Cucumbers are what type of Feeders?
True Algae (Not Cyanobacteria) are classified w/ 2 different Kingdoms...
Protista (Protoctista)
Where are Nematocysts found?
Sea Lilies have what kind of a system?
Water Vascular System
What are Pinacocytes and who has them?
Sponges (Porifera) and there the equivalent of epidermas
Sea Squirts are Chordata's and closely related to whom?
Tunicates (Vertbraes)
Where are spicules found?
What are Pogonophorids?
Unusual type of Worm
Are Sea Cucumbers and Starfish classified in the same phylum?
Yes, Echinodermata
Medusa is floating form of what?
Cyanobacteria are members of what kingdom?
Monera (Bacteria)
Dinoflagellates & Coccoliths are members of what kingdom?
Protista (protoctista)
What phylum contains segmented worms?
What are Bryozoa? Who are they related to?
Moss Animals (Ectoprocta)
Phoronoids & Brachiopods
Phylum Porifera includes what?
Phylum Arthropoda includes what?
What is the most common name for brachiopods?
Lamp Shells
How do Scallops Move?
Water Jet Propulsion from Mantle Cavity
A turtle is an Example of a marine...
A ray is a member of...
Anthozoa is a ___ class that has no ___ form?
Cnidarian Class
No Medusa
Portuguese Man O' War is in what class?
A Coral is a member of what class?
A Sea Anemone is a member of what class?
A squid belongs to what class?
Snails are a member of what class?
How does the class Cephalopoda move?
Jet Propulsion
What is the common name for Crinozoans (crinoids)?
Sea Lily
What is a starfish's phylum and class?
Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Asteroidea
Sea Horses are in what Class?
Osteichthyes; Bony Fish
In a sponge what are the top and side holes for?
Side Holes let Water in
Top hole lets water out
Mangroves are examples of what?
Marine trees
What is the easiest/most realistic way to show relationships b/w critters?
Food Web
Rocky Shore Communities must adapt to what?
Variable Salinity, Temperature, & Moisture
What are deep water fish characteristics?
Big head w/ skinny long bodies
Where are chemotrophic organisms most found?
deep water communities
What is a reef?
Organic (Plant/Animal) structure that has wave resistence
What is an Atoll?
Circular reef with a central lagoon & no island
What Coral is most likely to occur in deep water?
Flat Plate Corals
What contains reef cementers?
A Manatee is a marine what?
What community is a juvenile fish most likely to live in?
Continental Crust has what?
Slilicate Rich in Aluminum (SIAL)
Oceanic Crust has what?
Silicate Rich in Magnesium & Iron (SIMA)
Concerning cross bedding how are wind and water similar?
They go in the same direction
A lunar day is how much longer or shorter than a normal day?
50 Min Longer
How many days in a lunar month?
29.53 Days
When is the minimal tidal range?
Neap Tides
1st & 3rd Quarter Moon
What is Charles Babbages' touring machines?
Machines to develop tides
Refraction has what nearshore wave action?
Longshore Currents
Restriction has what nearshore wave action?
Rip Currents
Benthos Motile are what?
On ground but mobile
Sponge is a what feeder?
Stromatolites are...?
Green Bacteria
Stromatolites do what? and have no what?
Hold sediment together
no nucleus
Kingdom Protoctista are...
One-celled eukaryotic plants and animals
Kingdom Protoctista has what phylums?
Chryophyta: Golden Algae
Pyrrhophyta: Flame Algae - Dinoflagellates
Kingdom Protoctista
Phylum Chrysophyta
What Classes?
Diatoms - Silica
Coccolithophores - spherical test of calcite plates
Kingdom Protoctista
Phylum Protozoa
What order?
Radiolaria - silica test, capsular membrane, classification
Contains: Spumellarians & Nasselarians
What are totipotent cells?
Same as stem cells
Phylum Porifera has what cell types?
Pinacocytes, Choanocytes, Amoeboid Cells
Phylum Cnideria has what general characteristics?
Cell layers, medusa & polyp, nematocysts (stinging cells)
Phylum Cnideria has what classes?
Class Scyphozoa is what animal and emphasizes what?
True jellyfish
Emphasize Medusa & Short Life Polyp
Class Hydrozoa is what animal and emphasizes what?
Fire Corals & Portuguese Man O' War
Emphasize Polp, Short Life Medusa
Class Cubozoa is what animal and emphasizes what?
Sea Wasps and Cubos
Emphasize medusa only
Class Anthozoa is what animal and emphasize what?
Black Corals, Sea Fans, Sea Anemones, Hard Corals
Emphasize Polyp Only
Phylum Annelida is what animal?
Segmented Worms
Phylum Pogonophora is what animal and what characteristics?
Vent Worms
No digestive system, chemotrophic
Deep Water/Oceanic Ridges
Phylum Phoronida is what animal and has what characteristics?
Tube Worms
Sessile, Colonial, Non-Segmented
Lophophore; organic tube w/ sediment
Phylum Phoronida is most related to what?
Bryozoa & Brachiopods
Phylum Broyozoa are what animal and have what characteristics?
Moss Animals
complete digestive system
Whom is Phylum Broyozoa related to?
Phoronids, Brachiopods
Phylum Mollusca has what important class? and animal
tusk shells
Whom is Phylum Mollsca related to?
Phylum Mollusca has what characteristics?
head, foot, & mantle
Circulatory, Excretory, Nervous, & Reproductive System
Kiten is a type of what?
Phylum Gastropoda is what animal & what characteristics?
Coiling & Tortion Plus Reduction
What class are most marine snails?
Pteropods & Nudibranchs are what class?
Phylum Bivalvia is what animal?
Phlylum Bivalvia has what features and what critters?
Compression, 2 Valves, Muscle Head
Scallop, Mussel, Oyster, Clam
Class Cephalopoda has what characteristics and critters?
Use water jet to move
shell, siphuncle, chambers, hyponome, tentacles
Nautilus, Squid, Octipus
Phylum Arthropoda has what characteristics and critter?
Paired, Jointed Appendages, Functional Regions, Exoskeleton
Phylum Echinodermata has what characteristics and classes?
Water Vascular System, 5-Fold Radial Symmetry
Class Crinoidea has what critter?
Sea Lily
Class Echinoidea has what critters?
Sand Dollar, Sea Urchin
Class Holothuroidea has what critter?
Sea Cucumber
Class Asteroidea has what critters?
Common Star Fish
Sea Bat
Class Ophiuroidea has what critters?
Brittle & Basket Star
Subphylum Tunicata is in what phylum?
Subphylum Tunicata has what characteristics and critters?
Lowest of vertebrae; have backbone look like sponge
Larva like Tadpole, SEA SQUIRTS, Ascidians
Chondrichthyes have what animals?
Sharks, Rays
Osteichthyes have what characteristic? and what animals?
True Backbone
Sea Horses, Eels, Grunt Fish