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63 Cards in this Set

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Describe Augustus and his accomplishments.

Started the Pax Romana, Era of good times. Built professional army. Conquered areas. Fed the poor. Reformed government and tax system. Made laws for non-citizens.

Six answers

What was Rome like under the Five Good Emperors?

Agriculture was good. Empire is at max size. Hadrian tried to preserve instead of expand.

What were the characteristics of the the Pax Romana?

Agriculture was good. Empire is at max size. Hadrian tried to preserve instead of expand. Region controled by one empire

Roman for________

Describe the architectural achievements of the Romans.

Used columns, porches, domes, arches,vault(curved ceilings), and concrete.

Colosseum-two amphitheaters combined

Pantheon-had natural light from oculus on the big dome.

Styles, inventions, and buildings in specific

How did the Huns affect the Roman Empire?

They made the Germanic tribes come into Rome by attacking them. The Germanic then contributed to the downfall of Rome.

The Germans

What was the relationship between the Visigoths and the Roman Empire?

First, the Visigoths asked for the protection of Rome. They ended up rebelling because they were poorly treated


What was the result of the Battle of Adrianople?

The battle made the Romans surrender land to the Visigoths in Roman territory.

How did inflation occur? How did this effect the economy?

Inflation occurred when money lost its value. The economy wasn't active because nobody used the money since it was little value.

At its height, what regions were controlled by the Roman Empire (map)?

They controlled Britain, Spain, Gaul, Italy, Greece, Syria, N. Africa, and Egypt.

8 areas

Explain the causes of the fall of the Western Roman Empire (10 Causes Graphic Organizer)

Morals, War, Economy, Religion

Describe the impact of Odoacer on the end of the Western Roman Empire.

476 AD-The general sacked Rome and left people hopeless with their capital.

He's a general

How was the Byzantine Empire/Eastern Roman Empire different and similar to Western Rome?

They both were the part of the Roman empire, but Byzantines were based on some Greek ideas and they weren't wrecked.

Describe the advantages and defenses of the city of Constantinople.

The peninsula made the one way in the only way in. This made it hard to attack the way in that was covered in walls.

Who was Justinian and what were his accomplishments?

Justinian. was a king that stopped rebellions, built a nice church, and had an adviser named Theodora that supported the empire.

Why did the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Church split?

They didn't support each other.

What did Empress Theodora accomplish?

Justinian's wife, chose officials, gave more rights to women(able to own land

What happened during the Nika Riots?

Angry taxpayers attempted to overthrow Justinian.

What legal ideas does the U.S. share with ancient Rome?

Innocent until guilty, equal under the law, citizen are supposed to participate in government.


What were the major contributions of the Roman Empire (architecture, law, language, religion)?

Concrete, innocent until guilty, letters, Christianity.


Where did Islam begin? Why did Mecca become an important city?

In the Arabian Penninsula. Mecca was the first Islamic city to convert to Islam

What did Muhammad preach (major principles of Islam)?

In the Arabian Penninsula. Mecca was a city of trade and home of the Kaabai


What are the Five Pillars of Islam.

They were rules that Muslims must follow.

What is the holy book and holy language of Islam?



What do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share? What prophets do they share?

They all believe in one, almighty god and believe in life after death. They share the prophets Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

What are the two sects of Islam? Why did Islam split into two?

They all believe in one, almighty god and believe in life after death. They share the prophets Abraham and Mosde

How did Islam spread?

It spread through trade, preach, and its positive ideas


How did Muslim Empires treat people of other religions? What do Muslims call Jews and Christians?

It spread through trade, idea of life after death, open to other religions,


Muslim Spain and its characteristics/accomplishments.

It was a place of learning for all religions. They rewrote Greek and Roman works. They accelerated in areas of law, philosophy, religion, politics, and novels/texts.

Who were the Abbasids and what was their role in Muslim contributions to art, science, and the preservation of knowledge? (capital city and what important university/library was there?)

It was a place of learning for all religions. They rewrote Greek and Roman works. They accelerated in areas of law, philosophy, religion, politics, and novels/texts. Imp building-Alhambra

It's long

Accomplishments of Ibn Sina.

He showed how deceases spread from person to person.

He's a doctor

Describe the major features of every Muslim city?

They had palaces, a bazaar(marketplace), and mosques(house of worship, learning, courts, and schools)

Three (define each)

Describe the major Muslim Contributions (Muslim Contribution Graphic Organizer).

Islam, literature preservation, learning place, medical.

What was the geography of Africa like?

It was rich in minerals and made up of many different ecosystems.


What were the major trade items in West Africa?

It was rich in minerals and made up of desert, Mediterranean, savanna, and rain forest.


What were the accomplishments/legacy of Mansa Musa?

He brought over skilled people to Mali

What religious beliefs do Africans have?

They are Tribal religions, Christian, and Muslim.

What religion influenced the Northern half of Africa?


What religion influenced the Southern half of Africa?


How did Islam and Arabic influence Africa’s culture and government?

Culture-Swahili(lang and culture African and Muslim combined), learning by Muslims that took on Africans, mosques by Muslims.Government-Islamic laws, rulers became Islam.

Who were the first Europeans to arrive in Africa? What did they trade?

Portuguese traded tobacco, rice, and cotton.

What were slaves used for in the Americas?

They were used as labor force in America.

Who were griots and what did they teach?

Griots told the stories and lessons of their ancestors.

What was the purpose of Fables and Proverbs?

They retold history,taught lessons, and kept the history and culture alive.

What was effect of the African Diaspora?

Culture had to carried on through stories and fables.

Describe the influence of music and stories on African culture and American culture.

The stories and music were reminders of the African's homeland. The African tribal music turned into rap, hip hop, pop, blues, gospel, and rock. Stories are still around today (Anasi the Spider)

Explain China’s influence on Japan (Influences on Japan graphic organizer).

Writing, Confucian philosophy, government, medicine, art, architecture.

How did the geography of Japan impact its society?

It made the Japanese fight over the little farmland and turn to the sea for food.

What is the significance of the Yamato clan on Japan?

Designed the position of emperor.

What did Prince Shotoku accomplish?

Started a bureaucracy, build Buddhist temples, made officials of workers, and started the first central government.

Describe Shinto beliefs.

Natural things had spirits. Worshiped at shrine, holy places. Preformed ritual around shrines.

How did Buddhism influence the people and culture of Japan?

Buddhism began a conflict between believers and non-believers. Became major religion in Japan.

What was the result of the Gempei War?

The Gempei War was the Minamoto and their leader was named shogun.

Who was the first Shogun? What is a Shogun?

Minamoto Yoritomo first shogun. The shogun was the commander of the emperor's military forces.

Why did the emperor name the first Shogun?

He named the first shogun to gain Yoritomo's loyalty.

What is feudalism?

Political system that is the bond between a lord and its vassal.

What is a vassal?

A servant of a daimyo.

What is a daimyo?

The ruler of Japan's provinces

Describe samurai warriors and the Code of Bushido.

Samurai didn't care about money and serve the nobles as a private army. Bushido (way of the warrior) rules of samurai. Taught to be noble and loyal.

What was the effect of the military government of the Shogun/samurai?

Men were valued over women, competitive for land, and it was all about power.

What happened when the Mongols attacked Japan?

The Mongols never successfully attack because of the kamikaze(divine winds.)

What were Japan’s cultural and artistic achievements?

Calligraphy, origami, Haiku, landscape paintings, plays.

What is the importance of the Tale of Genji?

It told about upper class life. One of World's first novels.

What was society like in Medieval Japan?

It was a war-like society with the government of a bureaucracy. They had cultural achievements.