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70 Cards in this Set

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Spinning jenny

James Hargreaves

Cotton gin

Eli Whitney

Steam engine

improved by James Watt

• Henry Bessemer

Bessemer process (steal)

Edward Jenner

developed the smallpox vaccine

• Louis Pasteur

discovered bacteria

Factory system

system of work in which factory owners own the materials, the buildings,and the profits.

Industrial Revolution: Impacts

• Population increased

Growth of the middleclass


people move from rural areasto urban areas,resulting in the growthof urban cities


economic and political system in whichtrade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

Adam Smith

Wrote The Wealth of Nations which was the earliest work inmodern economics.Outlined free market economics.


Leads to the growth of themiddle clas


economicsystem in which means ofproduction are owned bythe state and there is socialand economic equality.Opposite of capitalism.

Socialism –

economicsystem based oncooperative ownership ofproduction, with eachworker receiving a share.

Das Kapital

outlinedthe economic laws ofcapitalism

The CommunistManifesto

said thathistory was about classstruggles, said thatcapitalism would bereplaced by socialism,then communism

Suffrage –

– the right tovote

Labor Unions

– group ofworkers organized to protecttheir rights and interests

Abolitionism –

advocating forthe end of slavery


A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.


an area underfull political control ofanother

Protectorate –

a statethat is controlled andprotected by another

Spheres of influence

area which a country haspower to affectdevelopments, though ithas no formal authority


• British declared war onChina

Sepoy Mutiny

1857 – Rebellionof Indian soldiers employed bythe British East India company,leading to a full scale war forindependence – failed


the desirefor a country tomaintain a strongmilitary and beprepared to use it

Spark of the war – 1914

Assassination ofArchduke FranzFerdinand of AustriaHungary

Entene Powers (Allies) –

(Allies) –United Kingdom, France,and Russia

Central Powers


League of Nations

International cooperativeorganization developedby Woodrow Wilson

Established to preventfuture wars

Nicolaus Copernicus

– heliocentrictheory

Galileo Galilei

used telescope tosupport heliocentrictheory

Johannes Kepler

discoveredplanetary motion

Isaac Newtown

Law of gravity

William Harvey

circulation ofblood

Leviathan author

Thomas Hobbes

Wrote Two Treatises onGovernment –

John Locke Said everyone had theright to life, liberty, andproperty.

Wrote The Spirit of theLaws

Montesquieu three typesof powers: executive,judicial, and legislative.

Wrote On the SocialContract

Jean-JacquesRousseau government is acontract between rulersand the people


Religious tolerationshould triumph overreligious fanaticism Separation of churchand state-

Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750) – Baroque

wrote musicthat was very ornate

Wolfgang AmadeusMozart

Classical composer –“cleaner,” simpler musicthan that of the baroque

wrote DonQuixote first novel in western culture

Miguel de Cervantes

French Revolution: Causes

Wealthy members of thethird estate (lawyers,doctors, etc) spent lots oftime discussingEnlightenment ideas

• Louis XVI took actionsagainst the assembly in July,1789 – setting off riotsaround Paris

French Revolution: Storming of theBastille

Beginning of the french revolution

– makingFrance a constitutionalmonarchy

“TheDeclaration of theRights of Man and ofCitizen”

anyone seen as an enemyof the revolution is killed

Reign of Terror

The Reign of Terrorends when

Maximilien Robespierreis killed


• Ends the French republic,makes it a militarydictatorship/ Overthrows french council

set of laws that modernizedEurope.

Influenced all around the world

Napoleonic Code

• Toussaint L’Ouverture,

former slave, became a leaderof the revolution

Haiti eneded slavery on the island

native Latin American who ledrevolutionary efforts in Northern Latin America /

Wanted a united Latin America

Simon Bolivar

Tells Europe to stay out of theAmericas

Monroe Doctrine

Battle ofWaterloo

• Napoleon is finallydefeated

Congress of Vienna –

after Napoleon was defeated

doctrine established tomake countries similarsizes so none became toopowerfu

Balance of power

united NorthernItaly

• Camillo Benso, Count ofCavour

Giuseppe Garibaldi

used military power to join southern and northern Italy

ledPrussia in theunification of Germany

Otto von Bismarck

John Wycliffe

translated Bible intoEnglish

Predestination John Calvin

it isalready decidedwhether people aresaved or not

Christopher Columbus

Spain • Results in lastingEuropean contact withthe Americas

Hernando Cortez

Conquistador – Spanishor Portuguese soldiersand explorers

Hernando Cortez

Claimed Mexico for the Spanishcrown

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish conquistador

Francisco Pizarro

Conquered the Inca

Jacques Cartier

French explorer whoclaimed Canada forFrance in 1534 Cartier was looking for awestern passage to theIndies

Francis Drake

English privateer

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorerwho was the first toreach India by sea

Ferdinand Magellan

Portuguese explorerwho began the firstcircumnavigation of theEarth