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172 Cards in this Set

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-ordered the compilation of all roman laws since the earlier code
-after completion, the new code consisted of four works: The Code, The Digest, The Institutes, and the Novellae
-The Code: nearly 5000 roman laws, The Digest: summary of legal opinions, The Institutes: textbook for law students, and The Novellae: contained laws passed after 354
-regarded as the founder of democracy in Athens
-reorganized the assembly to balance the power of the rich and the poor
-increased the power of assembly by allowing all citizens to submit laws for debate and passage
-created council of five hundred
-increased number of paid public officials and paid jurors; increased strength in democracy
-^enabled poorer citizens to participate in the government
-through the citizen participation athens developed into a direct democracy
-passed a law outlawing slavery based ond ebt and canceled the farmers' debts
-helped avoid a civil war
-established four classes of citizenship based on wealth
-all free male adults were citizens
-created the council of 400
-introduced legal concept that any citizen could bring charges against wrong doers
Direct democracy
a form of government in which citizens rule and make laws directly rather than through representatives
a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to elect the leaders who make governmental decisions
Magna Carta
-demands of English nobles against the King
-source of respect for individual rights and liberties
-contract between the king and nobles of england
-limited power of monarch
-implied that they had to govern according to law
Common law
reflected customs and principles established over time
-became the basis of the legal systems in many english speaking countries including the US
Federal system
government is divided between a central authority, adn a number of individual states
The Reformatoin
-a 16th century movement for religious reform
-leading to the founding of Christian churches that rejected the pope's authority
Martin Luther
-started reformation by criticizing the Catholic Church's practice of selling pardons
-wanted to reform church by his 3 teachings: people could win salvation only by faith in God's gift of forgiveness, all church teachings should be clearly based on the words of the bible, all people with faith were equal.
time period of the renaissance
1300-1600; "rebirth" - revival of art and learning
non-religious or worldly
supported the arts - paid the artists
-mostly church leaders and wealthy families
technique showing three dimensions on a flat surface
Local language of a group of people
an intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
style of painting and sculpting and focuses on characteristics of Life
means "no place" in Greek; perfect world
printing press
faster process to copy books that is quicker and cheaper; people could get information more quickly
-created by johann gutenberg
-could produce books quickly and cheaply
-gutenberg was able to complete his bible
-enabled a printer to produce hundreds of copies of a single work
johann gutenberg
-produced the gutenberg bible
-made the printing press: could produce books quickly and cheapy/could print hundreds of copies in a single work
-cheap books were widely available and increased literacy and use of the vernacular
christine de pizan
-first woman to earn a living as a writer
-was very well educated
- wrote about objections of the education of women
-one of the first European writers to question different treatment of boys and girls
-produced many books - short stories, biographies, novels, and manuals on military techniques
william shakespeare
-wrote Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet
-famous poet and play writer in the Elizabethan era
-displayed a deep understanding of human beings in his playwrights
desiderius erasmus
-from holland
-wrote the praise of folly which made fun of all aspects of society
-believed in Christianity of the heart, not one of ceremonies or rules
-thought that in order to improve society, all people should study the bible
thomas more
-from england
-wrote utopia
-about an imaginary land where greed, corruption, and war have been weeded out
-he wrote in latin
-all those that believed in Luther's teachings and followed him became a separate religious group called the Lutherans
edict of worms
Declared Martin Luther a Heretic and Enemy
-pardon that you bought to get into heaven
pope leo x
-was in power when luther was making his reforms
-saw him as a threat and issued a decree threaetening luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements
-he excommunicated luther
emperor charles v
-a devout catholic who opposed luther's teaching
-controlled a vast empire including the german states
-summoned luther to the town of worms to stand trial
-issued an imperial order: edict of worms
-german princes began to side with luther and split from his empire
catherine of aragon
-wife of Henry VIII
-bore him a daughter, but he wanted a son
-wanted to divorce her but the church didn't allow it
-asked for the pope to annul but he said no
-^pope did not want to offend her nephew, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
peace of augsburg
-all german princes, protestant and catholic, gathered in the city of augsburg
-there they agreed that each ruler would decide the religion of his state
-(was caused by them siding with luther's teachings, against the Emporer Charles V)
act of supremacy
-issued by henry XIII that declare his annulment against his catherine of argon and established the church of england
anne boleyn
-was secretly married to Henry VIII even though he was technically still married to Catherine of Argon
-divorce from catherine was legalized
-gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth
-was charged with treason and beheaded
elizabeth I
-determined to return her kingdom to Protestantism
-set up the Church of England - Anglican
-establish a state church that Catholics and Protestants might both accept
-she did that by allowing priests to marry and deliver sermons in english; kept some of the trappings of the catholic service such as rich robes
-brought a level of religious peace
-to set aside
-Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Argon because he wanted to marry a younger woman
edward vi
-Henry VIII's son
-Jane Seymour, Henry's third wife was his mother
-took the throne when he was 9
-was guided by adult protestant advisers who introduced protestant reforms to the english church
-only reigned for 6 years because of his health
john knox
-created presbyterian church
-implemented calvin's idea in scotland
-each church is governed by a group of elders (presbyters) and followers
-became known as the presbyterians
protestant form of christianity: Focuses on living off of Lord to Glorify God
Protestant group started by William Pen, Non-violent and move to the United Sates because of religious persecution
-members of the protestant church and were also followers of knox
John Calvin
-published a book called instititues of the christian religion that expressed ideas about god, salvation, and human nature
-summary of protestant theolrogy or beliefs
-wrote about predestination
-believed idea government to be theocracy
-governed a city called Geneva
-Calvinism: the teachings of john calvin
catholic reformation
-helping catholics to remain loyal was a movement within the catholic church to reform itself
-man is sinful and cannot earn salvation so God chooses a few "elect" people to save
-members of the society of jesus
-followed ignatius of loyola
-focused on 3 activities: founded schools throughout Europe, convert non Christians to catholicism, and to stop the spread of Protestantism
ignatius of loyola
-catholic reformer who founded the society of jesus
-the society of jesus' 3 goals were:
create school throughout europe
convert non-christians to catholicism
stop the spread of protestantism
-believed that one should be baptized when they are a child, and again as an adult if they chose to
-(baptized only persons who were old enough to decide to be Christian)
-anabaptist: greek word that means to "baptize again"
-taught that church and state should be separate
-Group of Calvanists that live in France, and they face religious wars with Catholics in France
council of trent
-appointed by Pope Paul III
-1545-1549 catholic bishops and cardinals agreed on several doctrines:
1. the church's interpretation of the bible was final. any who didn't believe so was heretic.
2. christians needed faith and good works for salvation. they were not saved by faith alone.
3. the bible and church tradition were equally powerful authorities for guiding christian life.
4. indulgences were valid expressions of faith. but the false selling of indulgences was banned
medici family
wealthy bank owners in Flourince that controlled wealth of the city
John Calvin
came up with Predestination
leonarda da vinci
Renaissance man. Artist, painter, scientist, inventor
henry viii
-devout catholic
-given the title defender of faith
-wanted an annulment from wife - pope said no
-secretly married anne boylen and she had a daughter; was beheaded
-pope finalized his divorce
-3 wives and kids
-catherine of aragon
-anne boleyn
-jane seymour
-elizabeth I
renaissance man
-all educated people expected to create art
-the ideal individual tried to master all areas of study
renaissance woman
-upper class women should know the classics and be charming, but not seek fame
-expected to inspire art, not create it
timur the lame
-rise of ottoman empire was briefly interrupted in 1400s by rebellious warrior and conquerer from samarkand in central asia
-injured by bow in the leg - tamerlane (timur the lame)
-burned the powerful city of baghdad in present day iraq to the ground
-crushed ottoman forces at the battle of ankara in 1402 - halted expansion
-most successful ghazi
-followers were called ottomans
-built a small muslim state in anatolia between 1300 and 1326
-expanded it by buying land, forming alliances with emirs, and conquering others
-military was very successful/ largely based on gunpowder
mehmed II
-murad II's son
-achieved most dramatic feat in ottoman history
-constantinople had shrunk from one mill to about 50,000 but still controlled the bosporus strait
-meant that it could choke off traffic between the ottomans' territories in asia and balkans
-mehemed II screamed "give me constantinople" and then launched his attack on them
-fired at walls with cannons and guns
-one night dragged 70 ships over a hill on greased runners from the bosporus harbor
-attacked from both sides until they finally broke wall and entered city
-opened constantinople to new citizens of many religions and backgrounds
-now called Istanbul
*suleyman I
suleyman the lawgiver
-brough the ottomans to biggest size highly strucuted social organization
created devshirme and janissaries
-warriors for islam
-formed military societies under the leadership of an emir, a chief commander, and followed a strict islamic code of conduct
-were recruited under the devshirme system, were educated, converted to islam, and trained as soldiers
-an elite force of 30,000 soldiers
-trained to be loyal to the sultan only
-ottoman war machines
ottoman empire
-reached peak size under reign of suleyman I (suleyman the lawgiver)
-had a law code to handle criminal and civil actions
-granted freedom of worship to religious communities
-declined slowly; was losing ground to conquer
-continued to influence the world into the early 20th century
(sorry guys this was kind of vague, i couldn't find it in the book)
-system in which Ottomans would take Christians from captured cities and train and educate them and convert them to Islam.
A group of people in areas of Iran and parts of Iraq and the safavid family controlled the safavid empire
first sophavat leaders who increased territory of empire as well as cultural blending
persian title for king
shi'ite muslim
Split with Sunni Muslim over who is true heir of Sumi and Muhammad
traditional clothing, strict prayer and fasting
sunni muslim
Split with Shi'ite Muslim over who is true heir of Sumi and Muhammed
-domination of Islam
-more modern and relaxed on prayer and fasting
-a new capital built by the shah in
-design that covered four and a half miles; considered one of the most beautiful in the world
shah abbas
Brought Esfahan empire into golden age and made production of carpets which was the increase of wealth
religion in India that combine Hindu and Muslim Beliefs
-1494: was 11 when he inherited the kingdom in the area that is now uzbekistan and tajikistan
-built p an army
-brilliant general
-led 12,000 troops to victory against an army of 100,000
-defeated a massive rajput army
-after his death, his incompetent son humayun lost most of the territory he gained - his 13 year old grandson took over the throne after humayun/s death
-babur's grandson; name means "great"
-ruler of the Mughal Empire in India, practiced religious tolerance and expanded territory of India
not sure - going to ask stutz tomrrow
-akbar's son: name means "grasper of the world"
-left affairs of the state to his wife, who ruled with an iron hand
Empire/family that controlled Pakistan and most of India from 15-17th centuries
taj mahal
-one of the most beautiful buildings in the world
-has towering marble dome and slender minaret towers look like lace and seem to change color as the sun moves across the sky
-fine white marble and fabulous jewels were gathered from many parts of asia to build it
-mehmed II conquered this city
-shrunk from population of one million to about 50,000
-had no territory outside walls but controlled the bosporus strait;
cultural blending
often prompted by one or more of the four activities:
migration, pursuit of religious freedom or conversion, trade, conquest
-can lead to change sin language, religion, styles of government, the use of technology and military tactics
prince henry
-called "the navigator" b/c of his role in promoting portuguese exploration
-devout catholic - wanted to increase Christianity everywhere
-used his own fortune to organize more than 14 voyages along the western coast of africa, which was previously unexplored by the europeans
-died in debt
-crusades left the europeans with a taste for spices but more significantly with feelings of hostility between christian and muslims
-wanted to obtain popular goods such as spices from asia by sending people on voyages to find a route to do so
bartolomeu dias
-an early portuguese explorer
-said "to serve God and his majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to do." (his motives)
-ventured far down to the coast of africa until they reached tip
-storm rose and battered fleet; blown around the other side
-explored the southeast coast of africa and then returned home
vasco de gama
-portuguese explorer who explored the east African coast
-reached port of calicut and amazed by the spices, rare silks and precious gems
-remarkable voyage of 27,000 miles had given portugal a direct sea route to india
-leader in developing and applying sailing innovations
-first european country to establish trading outposts along the west coast of Africa
-eventually, portuguese explorers pushed farther into the indian ocean
-took lead in overseas exploration
-explorers such as: bartolomeu dias and vasco de gama
-envied portuguese for their trading posts
-wanted direct sea route to asia
-columbus convinced spain to find a route to asia by sailing west across the atlantic ocean; they financially supported his voyage
-columbus' voyage created tension between spain and portugal
(will ask stutz tomorrow)
line of demarcation
-imaginary dividing line drawn from north to south through the atlantic ocean
-all lands to the west of the line would be spain's (america's)
all lands to the east would belong to portugal (brazil)
east india company
-a company founded by the dutch and english in the early 17th century to establish a direct trade route throughout asia
-had power to mint money, make treaties, and even raise their own armies
-vassal state of china who paid their ming overlords with regular tribute (a payment by one country to another to acknowledge its submission)
will ask stutz tomorrw
-hongwu's son
-continued many of his father's policies
-moved royal court to beijing
-launched the first seven voyages of exploration
-wanted to expand china's tribute system
-peasant's son who commanded the rebel army that drove the mongols out of china in 1368
-became first ming emperor
-began reforms designed to restore agricultural lands devastated by war, erase all traces of the mongol past, and promote china's power and prosperity
-agricultural reforms: increased rice production and improved irrigation also encouraged fish farming and growing commercial crops such as cotton and sugar cane
-brought stability to china
-encouraged return to confucian moral standards
-soon became a ruthless tyrant and killed thousands of government officials
-not sure will ask stutz tomorrow
-people of the manchu region who invaded china and collapsed the ming dynasty
they seized beijing and their leader became china's new emperor
-ruled for more than 260 years
zheng he
-chinese muslim admiral who led all 7 voyages
-all were remarkably large
-distributed gifts everywhere he went to show china's superiority
qian long
Chinese Emperor who cut off trade relationship with Britain
-a small country situated along the north sea in northwestern europe
-it became a leading sea power
not sure - will ask stutz tomorrow
great britain
-had a successful business trading indian cloth in europe
not sure - will ask stutz tomorrow
qing dyansty
-ruled for more than 260 years and expanded china's borders (china's last dynasty, which ruled from 1644 to 1912)
-rebellions flared up periodically
-manchus earned people's respect and upheld china's traditional confucian beliefs and social structures
ming dynasty
-china had become a dominant power in asia (a chinese dynasty that ruled from 1368 to 1644)
-will ask stutz tomorrow
-warrior chieftains who became lords in a new kind of japanese feudalism
-meant "great name"
-security came from this group of powerful warlords
-powerful samurai seized control of old feudal estates and offered peasants and others protection in return for their loyalty
tokugawa shogunate
Dynasty in Japan that was started by Tokugawa Hidegostic
official ruler of government
-a type of chinese theater
-combined music, dance, and mime
oda nobunaga
Attempted to unify Japan after its Civil War but was unsuccessful
toyotomi hideyoshi
General of Nobanaga and continues Nobunaguas idea to recruit Japan
tokugawa ieyasu
-Successful, reunited japan in 1600 establishes self as sho-gun and begins alternative
5-7-5 syllable 3 line verse poetry
consisted of 3 unrhymed lines
alternate attendance police
-created by ieyasu to keep the daimyo who governed at the local level from rebelling
-required they spent every other year in the capital; even when they returned to their lands they had to leave their families behind as hostages in edo
-tamed them
-the rule of law overcame the rule of the sword
closed country policy
-wanted to safely exclude both the missionaries and the merchants
-sealed japan's borders and instituted a closed country policy
-did not like the introduction of european ideas and ways but valued their trade
*-triangular sails that were used
-was sturdier than earlier vessels
-had triangular sailors to sail effectively against the wind
-used the astrolabe: a brass circle with carefully adjusted rings marked off in egrees
-used rings to calculate latitude
-used magnetic compass
vassal state
One country controlling another country while letting the other country remain Independent (Chinese control over Korea)
king george III
-will ask stutzman tomorrow
will ask stutzman tomorrow
forbidden city
will ask stutzman tomorrow
-a person of mixed spanish and native american ancestry
hernando cortes
-spaniard who landed on the shore of mexico
-cortes and the many spanish explorers who followed him were known as conquistadors (conquerers)
-were lured by rumors of vast lands filled with gold and silver
will ask stutzman tomorrow
christopher columbus
-made a voyage in 1492
-instead of sailing south around africa and then east to the east indies, he sailed west across the atlantic in search of an alternate route to asia and its riches
-he never reached asia
-instead he stepped on an island in the carribean
-made a 2nd voyage to the americas in 1493
encomienda system
-under this system, native americans farmed, ranched, or mined for spanish landlords
-said they would act fairly and respect workers however many abused them
montezuma II
-an aztec emporer who conceived at first that cortes was a god wearing armor
-he agreed to give the spanish explorer a share of the empire's existing gold supply
-established a vast and wealthy empire in mexico's interior, were overthrown by cortes in the early 1500s
will ask stutzman tomorrow
francisco pizarro
-conquistador who marched a small force into south america and conquered the incan empire
-met atahualpa and his unarmed men - ambushed and crushed the incan force
-captured incan capital, cuzco without struggle
-the ruler of the incans was atahualpa
-after he had died the incans were taken over in 1533
will ask stutzman tomorrow
-founded by samuel de champlain and 32 colonists when they sailed up the st. lawrence
-became base of france's colonial empire in north america, known as new france
new netherland
-henry hudson sailed west in search for a northwest sea route to asia
-explored 3 waterways - hudson river, hudson bay, and hudson strait
-dutch claimed the region along these waterways and estabsliehd a fur trade with iroquois indians and formed the dutch west india comapny
-the dutch holdings in north america became known as new netherland
-were inspired by the spanish and french explorations
-in 1606 the company of london's 3 ships and more than 100 settlers pushed out of an english harbor and 4 months later in 1607 they reached the coast of virginia and claimed the land theirs
-they named the settlement in honor of king james
-sought religious freedom from england's anglicanc hruch
-established a larger colony near the massachusetts bay
they also wanted to build a model community for christians to follow
-english colony founded by the pilgrims in 1620 in massachusetts
-went there because of religious persecution
-founded plymouth in 1620 because they were persecuted for their religious beliefs in england
-came becase they wanted religious freedom
massachusetts bay
-a bay on the atlantic ocean that forms part of the coastline of the common wealth of massachusetts
-where the puritans established a large colony
french and indian war
-in 1754 a dispute over land claims in the ohio valley led to a war between the british and french on the north american continent
-was part of a larger conflict known as the seven year's war
-britain and france, along with their european allies also battled for supremacy in europe, the west indies, and india
-british defeated the french and seized control of the eastern half of north america
-a native american ruler that led an attack on colonial villages throughout massachusetts
african slave trade
-the buying and selling of africans for work, between 1500 and 1600
-nearly 300,00 africans were transported to the americas
-they often brought diseases with
reasons africans were ideal laborers
-immunity to diseases, experience in farming, less likely to escape because they aren't familiar with the land, skin color
triangular trade
-the transatlantic trading network along which slaves and other goods were carried between africa, england, europe, the west indies, and the colonies in north america
middle passage
-the voyage that brought captured africans to the west indies, and later to north and south america
to be sold as slaves
-called the middle passage because it was considered the middle leg of the triangular trade
-sickening cruelty characterized this journey
-only 20% of the slaves made it
joint stock company
-a business in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose, and then share their profits
-works much like a modern day corporation
-investors buy shares of stock in the company - involves a number of people combining their wealth for a common purpose
-an economic system based on private ownership and investment of resources such as money for profit
columbian exchange
-the global transfer of plants, animals, and diseases that occurred during the european colonization of the americas
-an economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought
-ultimate goal under this is to become self sufficient

i will ask stutz tomorrow
favorable balance of trade
-an economic situation in which a country sells more goods than it bought
new france
-the area colonized by france in north american during a period beginning with the exploration of saint lawrence river by jacques cartier in 1534
will ask stutz tomorrow
fur trade
will ask stutz tomorrow
ferdinand magellan
-in 1519 this portuguese explorer led the boldest exploration, sailed around the southern end of south american and into the waters of the pacific eventually reached the philipines and was killed in a war their
vasco nunez de balboa
-marched through modern day panama and had become the first european to look upon the pacific ocean
will ask stutzman tomorrow
-bringing goods in from another country
-sending goods out to another country
king philips war
-conflict between native american inhabitants of present day new england and english colonists and their native american allies in 1675-1678
brazil - sugar plantations
a crop that was famous for slaves
where the slaves in would work
will ask stutzman tomorrow
-the spanish soldiers, explorers, and fortunate hunters who took part in the conquest of the americas in the 16th century (conquerors)
-a type of sickness that can be spread quickly ex: smallpox
many slaves brought along the diseases when they were taken to another country
bartoleme de las casas
-a spanish historian, eventually compelled to oppose the atrocities committed against the native americans by the spanish colonists
will ask stutzman tomorrow
Philip II
-Charles V's son
=inherited spain spanish netherlands, and american colonies
-seized the portuguese kingdom
-empire provided him incredible wealth
-defended catholicism against muslims by launching the spanish armada in an attempt to punish protestant england and its queen Elizabeth I
The Dutch Revolt
-dutch had little in common with their spanish rulers
-spain was catholic and the netherlands had many calvinist congregations
-philip raised taxes in the netherlands and took steps to erase protestantism
-angry protestant mobs swpet through catholic churches
-philip the n sent an army under the spanish duke to punish rebels
-dutch continued to fight spanish for another 11 years until in 1579, the 7 northern provinces of the netherlands united and declared independence from spain
-became united provinces of the netherlands
absolute monarch
-kings or queens who held all of the power within their states' boundaries
- goal was to control every aspect of society
divine right
-the idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as a representative of God
-followers of John Calvin in France
-always fought with the catholics
will ask stutzman tomorrow
Louis XIV
-4 when he started reign
-led by cardinal mazarin when young
-weakened power of nobles by excluding them from councils and increased power of government agents called intendants
-colbert helped him to attain economic, political and cultural brilliance
-promoted mercantilism to become self sufficient
-placed high tariff on goods from other countries
-canceled edict of nantes
-thousands of hugeunot artisans and business people fled the country leaving them without skilled workers
-made his life very luxurious
-known as the sun king b/c he danced title role in the ballet the sun king
-invaded spanish netherlands to expand france
-europeanwide alliance in 1680s formed to stop france
-was weakened by poor harvests
-french longed for peace
will ask stutzman tomorrow
Edict of Nantes
-protected the religious freedom of Hugeunots
Henry IV
-fearless in battle and a clever political; started the Edict of Nantes
will ask stutzman tomorrow
Bohemian Protestant Revolt
-ferdinand II was head of hapsburg family
-ruled czech kingdom of bohemia
-protestants in bohemia did not trust him who was a foriegner and catholic
-when eh closed some protestant churches they revolted
-he sent an army into bohemia to crush the revolt
-that began the 30 years war: a conflict over religion and territory and for power among european ruling families
Peace of Westphalia
-ended the 30 years war. treaty had important consequences:
-weakened the Habsburg states of Spain and Austria
-strengthened France by awarding it German territory
- made German princes independent of the Holy Roman emporer
-ended religious wars in Europe
-introduced a new method of peace negotiation whereby all participants meet to settle the problems of a war and decide the terms of peace
War of Austrian Succession
-maria theresa succeeded father in 1740
-freerick wanted the austrian land of silesia
-undestimated maria theresa's strenght
-assumed since she was a woman she would not be forceful enough to defend her lands
-he sent his army to occupy silesia, beginning the war of the austrian succession
-great britain joined austria and hungary to fight france
-she did stop prussia's agression, she lost silesia in the treaty of aix la chapelle
the 7 years war
-a war that started in 1756 when Frederick attacked saxony
-eventually every great European power got involved and it was fought in Europe, India, and North America
it lasted until 1763
means caesar
ivan the terrible
-came to power when he was 3 years old
-life was disrupted by struggles for power among boyars
-crowned himself czar
-accused the boyars of poisoning his wife; turned against them and had his own police force to kill them who he considered traitors
-he killed his olddest son and died 3 years later leaving his second weak son to rule
-russia's landowning nobles who fought ivan for power when he was young
-many were killed when ivan's wife died; ivan thought they had somehow murdered her
-ivan killed those he saw as traitors
rule by terror
-the time beginning in 1560 known as ivan's bad period; started after his wife died
during this time he had anyone who turned against him or he thought to be the killer murdered and killed his oldest son and heir
will ask stutzman
peter the great
-sole ruler of russia
-one of the greatest reformers
-continued the trend of increasing the czar's power
-embarked on "Grand Embassy" to europe to learn about european customs and maufacturin techniques
-using western europe as a model for change
-peter used it as a goal
-saw it as a way to make russia stronger
peter's reforms
-increased his power as a ruler
-abolished the office of patriarch, head of the church.
-set up a group called the holy synod to run the church under his direction
-recruited men from lower ranking families
-promoted them to positions of authority and rewarded them with grants of land
-hired european officers, who drilled his soldiers in european tactics with european weapons
-being a soldier was a lifetime job
-imposed heavy taxes to pay for the army
-introduced potatoes
-started russia's first newspaper
-raised women's status by having them attend social gatherings
-ordered the nobles to give up their traditional clothes for western fashions
-advanced education by opening a school of navigation and introducing schools for the arts and sciences
-fought sweden to gain a piece of the baltic coast to get a seaport that would make it easier to travel to the sets
-finally won the window on europe
-began to build a new city on swedish land
-named the city st. petersburg
-ordered russian nobles to settle in his new capital
what did the Renaissance believe in
the dignity of the individual
-played a key role in the gradual rise of democratic ideas
what were the changes in the arts during the renaissance
-art drew on techniques and styles of classical Greece and Roe
-paintings and sculptures portrayed individuals and nature in more realistic and lifelike ways
-artists created works that were secular as well as those that were religious
-writers began to use vernacular languages to express their ideas
-the arts praised individual achievement
what were the changes in society during the renaissance
-printing changed society by making more info available and inexpensive enough for society
-a greater availability of books prompted an increased desire for learning and a rise in literacy throughout Europe
-published accounts of new discoveries, maps, and charts led to further discoveries in a variety of fields
-published legal proceedings made the laws clear so that people were more likely to understand their rights
-christian humanists' attempts to reform society changed views about how life should be lived
-people began to question political structures and religious practices