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43 Cards in this Set

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What caused the Trojan war?
Helen was abducted from Sparta
What caused the Persian war?
The Greeks rebelled against Persia, Persia wanted to punish Athens.
What were the three major battles in the Persian war?
Marathon: the first battle
Thermopylae: when the Spartans fought to the death
Salamis: the sea battle that sealed the victory for Athens
What was the Delian League?
An alliance of Greeks dominated by Athens
Who was the ruler during the Greek golden age?
What were the features of the direct democracy established by the Athenians?
Stipends: a fixed salary for those in office
Juries: citizens judge fellow citizens
Ostracism: banishing
Philosophers were ________ of ________
Lovers of wisdom
The Question and Answer format, using reason and observation, is known as the:
Socratic method
What is the famous Greek building that was originally a temple to Athena?
The Parthenon
Who was Herodotus and what did he emphasize?
The "Father of History" who emphasized research
Who was Thucydides and what did he emphasize?
Another historian; avoiding bias.
Who were the enemies in the Peloponnesian war?
Sparta and the Peloponnesian League versus Athens and the Delian League.
Who won the Peloponnesian war?
Alexander the Great is known for his __________ of his known world.
Alexander the Great blended the worlds cultures which came to be known as what?
What is the heart of the Hellenistic world?
Alexandria, Egypt
What did Eratosthenes do?
Calculated the circumference of the earth
What did Aristarchus do?
Developed the heliocentric theory of a sun centered universe
What did Archimedes do?
He applied physics to practical problems.
Who did the Romans drive out of what became their land?
The Etruscans
The government of Rome formed a republic. What does the word republic mean?
Thing of the people
What was the name of the laws that were written down in the Roman forum?
The Twelve Tables
Who were the enemies in the Punic Wars?
Rome and Carthage
What were they fighting for control of?
The Mediterranean sea
After Julius Caesar is assassinated and the republic ends, a civil war puts who into power?
What title does Octavian give himself?
He helps establish the pax romana, which means what?
Roman Peace
The pax romana allows for the spread of what religion?
What were the architectural contributions from the Romans?
The arch
Engineering contributions?
Innocent until proven guilty
Right to face your accuser
Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt
Veto concept
Checks and balances concept
Who tries to restore the empire?
What does he do?
He divides the Empire into 2 parts.
In 50 years, how many emperors rule and how many die of natural causes?
20; 1
Constantine extends religious toleration to Christianity in what document?
The edict of Milan
What religion becomes the official religion of Rome?
Battle of Adrianople
First major defeat of the Roman army by invading Germanic tribes
What was the signal of the fall of Rome?
When the Germanic kind Odoacer kicked out the last of the Roman Emperors.
Military reasons for the fall:
Lack of discipline in training
Use of mercenaries
Political reasons for the fall:
Division of empire
Economic reasons
Heavy taxes
Social Reasons:
Decline of traditional values