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40 Cards in this Set

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The Spanish colonial economy was based largely on:

the mining of gold and silver.

The population of Native Americans in Spanish colonies dropped by more than:

90 percent.

An increase in business activity due to colonization caused which of the following?

A new class of wealthier merchants emerged in Europe.

According to the map titled “The Slave Trade,” where were most slave forts located?

the west coast of Africa

Some Native Americans helped Cortés because

the Aztecs were unpopular with those they had conquered

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish conquistador

Sailors could calculate their location based on the position of the sun and stars in relation to the horizon with the:


The ultimate goal of the early Portuguese explorers was to:

find a water route around Africa to India.

Which of the following was one result of the Treaty of Tordesillas?

The Spanish Empire was larger than the Portuguese Empire.

Which of the following best describes the food exchange between Europe and the Americas?

Europeans brought wheat, sugar, and sheep to the Americas, and took corn, potatoes, and turkeys to Europe.

The ultimate goal of early English, Dutch, and French explorers was to:

find a passage to Asia.

The economy of New France was based on:

fish and fur trading.

During the rise of capitalism, European investors willingly took the risk of investing in overseas trade because:

the rising demand for goods drove prices higher.

Mercantilists would advocate that a nation do which of the following?

Sell more goods than it buys from foreign countries.

Planters in the Americas began to use African slaves for labor because:

disease had killed millions of Native Americans

How did the Renaissance contribute to the Age of Exploration?

by awakening a spirit of discovery and innovation in Europe

What was an effect of the Columbian Exchange?

The exchange of foods and animals had a dramatic impact on later societies.

French settlers in Canada were mainly:


The _____ played a key role in the Age of Exploration because it let sailors know at any time which direction was north.


Bartolomeu Dias became the first European to attempt to sail around the southern tip of _______.


When he reached the Caribbean islands, the Italian sailor ________ believed he had reached the Asian islands known as the Indies.

Christopher Columbus

Although Ferdinand Magellan was killed in the Philippines, the remainder of his crew were the first to ________, or sail completely around, the globe.


In the ________ system, Spanish colonists received land in the Americas and a number of Native American workers in exchange for teaching the workers about Christianity.


A Spanish military leader who fought against the native peoples of the Americas was called a(n) _________.


The ___________ refers to the global transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas.

columbian exchange

Placing a ___________ on imported goods makes those goods more expensive, which discourages people from buying them.


____________________ is an economic system in which most economic activity is carried on by private individuals or organizations in order to seek a profit.


In a ____________________ company, investors pool their money to fund large businesses and jointly take the risk of losing that money if the company fails.


A new type of ship that was light and fast and highly maneuverable was known as the ____________________.


___________________ of Portugal established a court for navigators and others interested in exploration.

Prince Henry

The ____________________ colony in Virginia was settled by people intending to make their fortunes by finding gold and silver.


Mercantilists believed a country should mine gold and silver as well as establish a favorable ____________________, or export more goods than it imported.

balance of trade

The ____________________ established a colony at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.


The explorer ____________________ claimed Brazil for Portugal.

Pedro Cabral

The economic theory of ____________________ held that a nation’s strength depended on its wealth.


How did French colonization of the Americas differ from that of the Spanish and Portuguese?

Unlike the Spanish and Portuguese, the French did not send large numbers of colonists to the Americas. Only small groups of traders moved across the sea. The French population remained small. The French were mostly fur traders and fishers. The French did not enslave Native Americans, but traded with them, and sometimes married them.

What was the significance of the introduction of the horse to the Americas?

It was significant because before horses were introduced, the only beast of burden in the Americas was the llama, which lived in the Andes. Horses provided Native Americans with a new source of transportation and labor.

How did mercantilism affect European colonization of other parts of the world?

The building of colonial empires was essential to mercantilism. European countries wanted to establish colonies in order to control sources of raw materials and provide new markets for manufactured goods. A nation that controlled its own sources of raw materials would not need to import them from competing nations, and could keep the resources from other countries.

Describe one advance in shipbuilding that helped European exploration during the Age of Exploration.

Either one of the following is acceptable: Deep-draft ships rode lower in the water than earlier ships and so were capable of withstanding heavier waves on the open sea and had larger cargo holds to carry more supplies; the caravel was a light, fast sailing ship that had two features that made it highly maneuverable. It was steered with a rudder at the stern, or rear of the ship, instead of side oars. It was equipped with lateen sails, triangular sails that could catch wind from any direction, even headwinds. It could also be equipped with weapons, including cannons, to defend itself against hostile ships at sea.

Name three advantages that the Spanish had over the Aztecs that contributed to the Aztecs’ defeat.

Any three of the following are acceptable: The Spanish had Native American allies who wanted to defeat the Aztecs. They had guns and heavy armor, and horses which scared the Aztecs. They had immunity to the diseases they carried which swept through the Aztec Empire and killed thousands of people.