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42 Cards in this Set

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the 1st song emporor restored the unity of china exept for wich northern dynasty
What artisia was responsible for the development of movable type
Bi Sheng
What group was responsible for the fall of the southern song dynasty in 1279
Unlike his fither the second emporor of the sui dynasty favored
confucian scolor gentry
whichof the following was a problem dsuringthe last years of the Tang dynasty
Bhuddist rebellion in southern china
the dynasty that ended the period of political chaos after the fall of the Qin han was the
which of the following statements concerning the urbanization in china during the Tang song era is most accurate
urbanization mushroomed with high proportions of population in cities
what was NOT a technological innovation
What was the primary reform enacted during the reign of the first sui emperor
which of the following statements is not true concerning the period after the fall of the han
the great wall continued to serve as a barrier for nomadic peoples
the outstanding poet of the Tang era was
Li Bo
How did the song empire compare to the tang
it was smaller
members of the elite China were more attracted tpo what varient of buddhism
Wang Ashi, a prime minister in the 1070s and 1080s attempted to reform the song government on the basis of what
the period of disorder that followed the Qin-Han was known as
the era of division
in what way did foot binding diminish the independance of women by the end of the song era
it crippled women and confined them to the household
What was not one of the reforms introduced by wang anhin in the face of conservative opposition
the end of tribute payments to nomadic dynasties on the northern boarder
what made reunification of china under the first sui emporor possible
the support of the nomadic warrior elite
what was the capital of the southern song dynasty
who was the most prominent neo-confucian of the song era?
Zhu Xi
Who was not a woman who gained power in the later years of the Tang dynasty
What accounts for the realetive weakness of the Song empire
a subordinate military left them vulnerable to nomads
Who was the founder of the Tang dynasty
Li Yuan
What was the main differance between marrige of the upper and lower classes in Tang song China
Lower classes consumated marriage earlier than the elite
what ministry of central imperial government was responsible for the administration of the examination system
what were the tecnological developements during the Tang-song era
the abicus,coal use,gunpowder,complex bridges
what proved to be the most dameging attack on buddhisms popularity in the early Tang dynasty
the confucians' succesful attempt to convince the emporor of buddhism economic threat
why was the construction of the grand canal necessary
The Yangtze river yalley became the main food producing region of China by later tang era
what does not describe pure land buddhism
it does not stress meditation and appreaciation of natural and aristocratic beauty
what decade did open persicution of buddhism begin
what was the attitude of the tang emporors tward confucian sclor-gentry
they suported it often at the expense of aristocracy
which of the following most accurately describes the position of scolar-gentry under the Soong dynasty
it was over buddhusm and aristocracy
the title of jinshi was reserved for those who..
passed the most difficult exams
which of the following was not an eventual impact of the development of the neo-confucian school of thought
destruction of the mannderins
during the song dynasty the interest of confucian intellectuals in nature was most apperent in their production of
landscape paintings
what Tang emporor actually attempted to have buddhism recognized as a state religion
empress Wu
what was the impact on confucianism on Tang repression of the buddhists
confucianism emerged as central ideology of chinese civilization until the 12th century
what was the status of women in the Tang-Song era
asertion of male dominance
what led to the downfall of the sui dynasty
excessive expenses associated with building projects and military campaigns
what was the situation a the end of the Qin-Han period
nomads ruled much of china and a forgien religion eclipsed confucianism
which of the following statements about chinese landscape paintings is most accurate
the elite produced many
who was the founder of the song dynasty
Zhao Kuangyin