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50 Cards in this Set

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The Paleolithic Era is also known as the ________ _________ ________.

Old Stone Age

People in the Paleolithic Era did these two things to get food.

Hunted and Gathered

Where did Homo Sapiens emerge?

East Africa

When did homo sapiens first emerge?

100,000 to 400,000 years ago

Where did Homo sapiens migrate to?

From Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas

Hunter-gatherer societies during the Paleolithic Era

-were nomadic

-invented the first tools, including simple weapons

-learned how to make and use fire

-lived in clans

-developed oral language

-created cave art

Societies during the Neolithic Era

-developed agriculture (domesticated plants0

-domesticated animals

-used advanced tools

-made pottery

-developed weaving skills

Why did ancient civilizations develop in river valleys?

-During the Neolithic age, permanent settlements appeared in river valleys and around the Fertile Crescent

-River valleys provided rich soil and irrigation for agriculture, and they tended to be in locations easily protected from invasion by nomadic peoples

River Valley Civilizations that emerged from about 3500 to 500 BC

Egypt, Mesopotamian, Indian, Chinese, Hebrews settled there, Phoenicians settled there

Egyptian Civilization

Nile River Valley and Delta (Africa)

Mesopotamian Civilization

Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys (south west Asia)

Indian Civilization

Indus River Valley (South Asia)

Chinese Civilization

Huang He Valley (East Asia)


settled between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River Valley (part of the Fertile Crescent in Southwest Asia)


settled along the Mediterranean Coast (part of the Fertile Crescent in southwest Asia)

What religious traditions developed in ancient civilizations?

Polytheism was practiced by most early civilizations. Monotheism was practiced by the Hebrews.

Who did Judaism originate from?

Abraham, Moses

Where did Judaism originate from?


What are three beliefs/traditions/customs of Judaism?

Monotheistic, Torah, Ten Commandments


-contains written records and beliefs of the Jews

-Old Testiment

How did Judaism spread?



How did Judaism influence Western Civilization?

The monotheism of Abraham became the foundation of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam- religions that changed the world. The Hebrews were the first to become monotheists.

What were the earliest written symbols?


What type of writing did the Egyptians use?


What type of writing did Sumer use?


Who created the first alphabet?

The Phoenicians

What was the main religion of the Persians?


How did Persia govern its empire?

-tolerance of conqured people

-development of imperial bureaucracy



the belief in two opposing forces in the universe

Why were physical geography and location important to the development of Indian Civilization?

-Physical barriers made invasion more difficult

-Mountain Passes provide migration routes into the Indian Subcontinent

-Indus and Ganges were most important rivers

-Indus River Valley Civilizations (Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro)

What impact did the Aryans have on India?


Caste system

What were the accomplishments of the Mauryan Empire?


-continued political unification of much of India

-spread buddhism

-free hospitals, veterinary clinics

-good roads

What were the accomplishments of the Gupta Empire?

-Golden age of classical indian culture

-mathematics (zero)

-medical advances (set bones)

-astronomy (concept of earth is round)

-new textiles


What are the characteristics of Hinduism?

-belief in many forms of one God



-Vedas and Upanishads

How did Hinduism influence Indian society and culture?

spread along major trade routes

Who was the founder of Buddhism?

Siddartha Gautama

How was Buddhism spread?

-Siddartha Gautama spread it in Nepal

-Asoka sent missionaries throughout Asia


Contributions of classical China to world civilization

Confucianism and Daoism


Mandate of Heaven

Silk Roads

Contributions of Classical China

Civil Service System




Contributions of Confucianism in forming the social order in China

-belief that all humans are good, not bad

-respect for elders

-code of politeness

-emphasis on educations

-ancestor worship

Contributions of Taoism in forming Chinese culture and values


-simple life and inner peace

-harmony with nature

-Yin/Yang represented opposites for Confucianism and Taoism

How did the Chinese influence Japan?

writing, architecture, buddhism

How has Japans geography influenced its development?

-mountainous Japanese archipelago (four main islands)

-Sea of Japan between Japan and Asian mainland

-Proximity to China and Korea

Which two religions coexisted as religious traditions in the Japanese Culture?

Shinto and Buddhism (Zen Buddhism)

Major trade patterns of the Eastern Hemisphere from 1000 to 1500AD

Silk roads across Asia to the Mediterranean basin

Maritime routes across the Indian Ocean

What goods were exchanged among different cultures?

-Gold from west Africa

-spices for lands around the Indian ocean

-textiles from India, china, the middle east, and later Europe

-porcelain form china and Persia

-printing and paper money from china

What Technology were exchanged among different cultures?

-paper form China

-new crops from india

-waterwheels and windmills

-navigation-compass from china

What ideas were exchanged among different cultures?




What was the religious group that fled Egypt to go to the land their One God has promised them?

Jews, Hebrews, Isralites

Who is the famous Indian emperor who spread Buddhism?
